Some mistakes in book?

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Sep 5, 2005
I'm a new member and the first day on this site, so I hope I chose the right topic to ask my question.
I'm preparing for english test called TEPS. I bought a grammar book to prepare for it. When I started reading it and doing some exersices I found some phrases that I think are incorrect, but it's said in the book it they are correct. :-( I hope to find some help from you, dear members of ESL. I hope you can tell me if the following phrases are correct or not.
The problem phrases are:
1. An estimated 500 students are here.
2. admitted to smoking
3. By the time you get this message, I will have left for the airport to catch my flight.
4. If it was sunny, we went on a picnic.
All of them sound quite strange for me, but what is your idea? :?:
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Welcome. :hi:

They're grammatical. Could you show us why you feel they are ungrammatical? Let's work it out. ;)

All the best,
Oh, thank you for fast reply! :)
I thought the sentences were ungrammatical because:
1. "An" means thet there sould be one entity of something, but then "An" is folowed by "are": An (estimated 500 students) are here.
In this case I think it would be better to write definite article, especially if students are already estimated;) or I think we better can use zero article, like:

Estimated 500 students are here.

2. "admitted to smoke" is incorrect?
3. This sounds for me a little strange. Is there future perfect tense?
4. In my opinion it should be:
If it was sunny we would go on a picnic. or If it was sunny we would have gone on a picnic.
Yes, they may look strange at first glance :) But I should say this is a rather advanced test, Nika! This article issue is really confusing ;-) But I think I can help you with the other three.


2) "admitted to smoking" is quite all right - it means "permitted to smoke", or, literally, "допущен к курению" :) "Smoking" serves as an objective in this case, so "admitted to smoke" won't be correct, because "admitted to" should be folllowed by a noun-like word.

3) Yes, there's Future perfect tense :) Sorry, the reference note is a bit long - but it's good and may be helpful for you. I hope you don't mind Russian ;-)

Будущее совершенное время

1) Образование форм Future perfect а) Утвердительные формы: Утвердительные формы образуются путем сложения вспомогательного глагола will, вспомогательного глагола have и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола ( Main verbs ). В первом лице вместо вспомогательного глагола will иногда используется вспомогательный глагол shall.

1. Оба вспомогательных глагола will и shall могут стягиваться до формы ' ll. I will have worked/I shall have worked. He'll have worked. You'll have worked. б) Общий вопрос ( Yes-No question ): При построении общего вопроса первый вспомогательный глагол ( will, shall) ставится перед подлежащим ( Subject ) предложения. Will you have worked? Will he have worked? в) Отрицательные формы: Отрицательные предложения образуются с помощью отрицательной частицы not/n't, которая ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола ( will, shall). Формы will not, shall not могут стягиваться до форм won't, shan't. I will not have worked/I shall not have worked. We won't have worked/We shan't have worked. He won't have worked.

2) Употребление Future perfect: Future perfect используется при описании действия, которое будет завершено к некоторому моменту времени в будущем. I'll have finished the work before you come back — Я закончу работу до того, как ты вернешься. Many natural resources will have disappeared by the end of the century — Многие природные ресурсы исчезнут к концу этого века. Towards the end of the month (I can't be particular to a day) a year will have elapsed from the time when we believe the jewel to have been pledged — К концу месяца (не могу назвать точную дату) пройдет год с того времени, когда, как мы думаем, драгоценный камень был отдан в залог.

4) But it's Past simple here! You are probably misleaded by "if" :) No 'would" is needed, though it was the conjunctive mood you would certainly have to use "would" ;-) i.e. "If it was sunny, we'd go on a picnic".

I'm not good at explaining grammar things, sorry, but hope it helps.

Good luck ;-)
Thank you very much for your answers! You really helped me :)
P.S. Конечно, мне на русском все совсем понятно :-D
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