simple/simplest/most simple

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Junior Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Home Country
Great Britain
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Great Britain
Can I say the following:
1. "This entrance is more narrow than that one."
2. This task is more simple but that one but the last one is the most simple."

or should it be:
1. "This entrance is narrower than that one."
2. This task is simpler but the last one is the the simplest."

Thank you.
Can I say the following:
1. "This entrance is more narrow than that one."
2. This task is more simple but that one but the last one is the most simple."

or should it be:
1. "This entrance is narrower than that one."
2. This task is simpler but the last one is the the simplest."

Thank you.
1. "This entrance is narrower than that one."
2. This task is simpler but the last one is the the simplest."

These are more natural.
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