She will be applying (mustard) oil to her hair

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Sammy Sam

Junior Member
Feb 26, 2022
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Which one of the following statements is grammatical and natural?

1. She will be applying (mustard) oil to her hair.
2. She will be oiling her hair.
3. She will be putting oil in her hair.
They're all grammatically correct. As far as natural goes, it really depends on what the person is actually doing and why. Can you give us more context?
Throughout the subcontinent it is pretty common for women to put oil in their hair, although neither my wife nor any of her relatives do so. I've always assumed that those who oil their hair think of it like a cosmetic.
Throughout the subcontinent it is pretty common for women to put oil in their hair, although neither my wife nor any of her relatives do so. I've always assumed that those who oil their hair think of it like a cosmetic.
I agree with you on the first point you made about Asian women but let me add a bit more to your knowledge.

Firstly, it is not only women who use it but also men. But mostly women do it to keep their hair soft, silky and smooth.

2ndly, it is not used as a cosmetic rather it nourishes hair, it makes hair healthier, shinier, softer and stronger from roots. In addition, it helps to get rid of dandruff.

After you apply mustard hair to your hair you let it stay there and then rinse them with shampoo.

Some people apply mustard hair at night before going to bed. They tie a piece of cloth around their head to avoid oiling the pillow cover. When they wake up in the morning they take a shower or rinse their hair.

Some people also mix aloe vera in mustard oil before applying to hair.
Given that it's not common or traditional in my part of the world, it's hard to say what's most natural of those three. People who know about the practice might understand "She'll be oiling her hair" perfectly well. For others, I think you'd have to be clearer and say something like "She'll be doing an overnight oil treatment on her hair tonight".
I agree with you on the first point you made about Asian women but let me add a bit more to your knowledge.

Firstly, it is not only women who use it but also men. But mostly women do it to keep their hair soft, silky and smooth.

Secondly, it is not used as a cosmetic. It nourishes hair and makes it healthier, shinier, softer and stronger. In addition, it helps to get rid of dandruff.

After you apply mustard oil to your hair you let it stay there and then rinse it with shampoo.

Some people apply mustard oil at night before going to bed. They tie a piece of cloth around their head to avoid oiling the pillow cover. When they wake up in the morning they take a shower or rinse their hair.

Some people also mix aloe vera with the mustard oil before applying it to their hair.
Hello there,
Could you put us in context? Maybe then we will have the chance to help you pick the most native-like one.
What would you call it if not a cosmetic?
The practice is confined to the Indian subcontinent, as probus said. I would call it a treatment or even a ritual, since it is such a common practice.
What would you call it if not a cosmetic?
It is a natural way of taking good care of one's hair in the sub continent. You can either call it a natural remedy to treat hair loss (by making it stronger from roots), to treat problems like dandruff and stuff like that.

Even though it makes one's hair look and feel silkier, shinier I won't call it cosmetic because you need to remove it by rinsing your hair. First you apply it and you leave it to stay there for some time and finally you remove it. And then you can feel the difference after you dry your hair. You can notice your hair is a lot better.
The practice is confined to the Indian subcontinent, as probus said. I would call it a treatment or even a ritual, since it is such a common practice.
It isn't that much common but it used to be before I was born. Nowadays people have switched to other ways. In fact there are a whole lot of other remedies to treat hair. One of those is herbal treatment.
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