[Grammar] Seeking comments on the tenses for my achievement

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Nov 27, 2005
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I would like to seek someone comments whether the tenses is correct or not for my achievement shown below.

Achievements: I lead a team of technicians and manage a group of contractors to deliver a high standard of service and achieved my goal setting to ensure the expenditure for each year does not exceed the budget of the region. Moreover, I also achieved a reduction in the number of emergency orders of building services systems successfully by around 50% each year from 2012 to 2016 in the region.
Achievements: I lead a team of technicians and manage a group of contractors to deliver a high standard of service and achieved my goal setting [Why the change of tense, and what does that part mean?] to ensure the expenditure for each year does not exceed the budget [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] (allocated) for the region. Moreover, I also achieved a reduction of around 50% in the number of emergency orders of building services systems [STRIKE]successfully by around 50%[/STRIKE] each year from 2012 to 2016 in the region.
I presume you provide building maintenance services. You are not clear about that.

Why use "lead" in the first part of the sentence then "achieved" in the second? Do you mean you achieve your goal of providing professional building maintenance services within the budget?

By "the reduction in the number of emergency orders of building services systems", I think you mean to say that you have successfully cut down the costly and urgent replacements of equipment/machinery(due to breakdown) by doing a good job in the maintenance of the building facilities.
Pay close attention to teechar's corrections. Also, what you are currently doing is not an achievement. Simplify!
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