School education / schooling / graduated / completed my diploma

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Oct 14, 2005
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Are these sentences correct?

I completed my school education from xyz school.
(I believe that using word schooling is wrong.)

I am an arts graduate from abc University. In 2008, I graduated college. In 2011, I completed my diploma in fashion designing.

Are these sentences correct?

I completed my school education [STRIKE]from[/STRIKE] at Xyz School.
(I believe that using word schooling is wrong. You're right.)

I am an Arts graduate from Abc University. In 2008, I graduated from college. In 2011, I completed my diploma in Fashion Design. [STRIKE]ing.[/STRIKE]


Note my corrections (in red) and comment (in blue) above. If you are giving the official name of the school and the university, you must capitalise "School" and the first letter of the other word(s) in the name.
I am an arts graduate from abc University. In 2008, I graduated college.
If you're talking about the same academic institution, you can combine those. For example:
I graduated with a BA in History from Aqua University in 2008.
In BA(P), I studied four subjects that is English, Economics, Maths and History. Can we write the following sentence?

I graduated with a BA (P) in English, Economics, Maths and History from XYZ University in 2008.

Now mentioning four subjects in the above sentence is looking awkward.

If you're talking about the same academic institution, you can combine those. For example:
I graduated with a BA in History from Aqua University in 2008.
What does the "P" stand for? Also, are you writing this in a letter?
P stands for Pass. It was not BA (Hons). I am not writing this in a letter. It is just to tell it to my colleague.

What does the "P" stand for? Also, are you writing this in a letter?
Leave out the "P". Did you major in any of those subjects?
Leave out the "P". Did you major in any of those subjects?

Actually, I studied four subjects without any specialization in one particular subject. It was not BA (Hons). I am afraid that I am creating confusion.

Can we write the sentence without mentioning the subjects.

I graduated with a BA from XYZ University in 2008. In this, I studied four subjects that is English, History, Economics and Maths.
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Can we write the sentence without mentioning the subjects?
Great idea!

I graduated with a BA from XYZ University in 2008. In it, [STRIKE]this,[/STRIKE] I studied [STRIKE]four subjects that is[/STRIKE] English, history, economics and maths.
See above.
In BA(P), I studied four subjects that is English, Economics, Maths and History.

In this, I studied four subjects that is English, History, Economics and Maths.

You wrote the underlined part in two separate posts. Look carefully at teechar's corrections to it in the previous post.
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