Sam was sold a book for higher price - passive voice?

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Sep 12, 2020
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1)He sold a book for higher price to Sam.

2)A book was sold for higher price to Sam.

3)Sam was sold a book for higher price.

I know the 2nd one is correct as passive voice. Is the 3rd also correct? If I want to highlight "Sam".
All three sentences need 'a' before 'higher'.

#3 is more natural than #2
1) space here He sold a book to Sam for a higher price. to Sam.

2) space here A book was sold to Sam for a higher price. to Sam.

3) space here Sam was sold a book for a higher price.

I know the 2nd second one is correct as in the passive voice. Is the 3rd third also correct no question mark here if I want to highlight "Sam"?
Please note my corrections above. I find them all odd without knowing the reference for "higher". A higher price than what - than a different book or than the book was sold to someone else?
Please note my corrections above. I find them all odd without knowing the reference for "higher". A higher price than what - than a different book or than the book was sold to someone else?
The book is sold for a price higher than what it is in market(Sam was unaware of the market price).
The book was was sold for more than the going market price.
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