Sam’s painting stands out/stood out from the rest of other contestants’ works


Jun 14, 2022
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Dear teachers,

I have a question about the following sentence,

With its remarkably vibrant color, Sam’s painting _______ from the rest of other contestants’ works.
(A) stands out
(B) stood out

I think both (A) and (B) are correct. With (A), it means it's a past fact, while (B) means the situation still continues. Am I right?
Dear teachers, This is unnecessary. You're not writing a letter. You've made a few posts now so just go ahead with your question.

I have a question about the following sentence.

With its remarkably vibrant color, Sam’s painting _______ from the rest of other contestants’ works.
(A) stands out
(B) stood out

I think both (A) and (B) are correct. With (A), it means it's a past fact, while (B) means the situation still continues. Am I right?
You're right. Both choices lead to a grammatical sentence.
There's a problem with the end of the original sentence (the underlined part), though. It should say either "... from the rest of the contestants' works" or "from the other contestants' works".

You need to provide the source and author of this test question. This is a requirement, in post #1, every time you quote someone else's words/work.
With its remarkably vibrant colors, Sam's painting stands out from the other contestants' works.

That's present tense.
@neb090 I think you mixed A and B up in post #1. A ("stands out") uses the present tense so it's happening now. B ("stood out") uses the simple past tense so it is no longer happening.

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