research outputs that ignore and further disadvantage marginalized people

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Feb 19, 2016
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Among those worst excesses is racism. For centuries, science has built a legacy of excluding people of colour and those from other historically marginalized groups from the scientific enterprise. Institutions and scientists have used research to underpin discriminatory thinking, and have prioritized research outputs that ignore and further disadvantage marginalized people.
Source: Nature

I don't know how to properly understand "research outputs that ignore and further disadvantage marginalized people". It seems to either mean "research outputs that ignore and further disadvantage that marginalized people" (or "research outputs that ignore and further disadvantage of marginalized people), or "research outputs that ignore marginalized people and further their disadvantage". The latter appears to be more possible. If so, the author might have made a minor mistake.
I am not sure. What does it mean?
The latter. By ignoring them, they further disadvantage them. The word disadvantage is a verb here.
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