Request to delete negative feedback

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Junior Member
May 2, 2020
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Hi, I would appreciate it if someone can help me by editing this letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request deletion of negative feedback submitted in year 2010 for this worker:

Name: [personal details removed by mod]
ID no.: [personal details removed by mod]

The reason we request this deletion is because MOM has disclose our identity as a reviewer to the worker. He has been keep calling us in the past few months asking us to remove the negative feedback. We afraid he will turn aggressive if we don’t fulfil his demand.

I wish MOM can be more trustworthy and practice confidentiality and discretion when handling negative feedbacks. If MOM wants to encourage employer to be a reference of their worker's conduct, character, work attitude or performance, please do not provide reviewer's identity or advise the worker to “check with your previous employer” when they demand such information.
Last edited:
has disclosed

has kept calling us
Mind you, the employee's behaviour is harassment, which can be dealt with.

I wish MOM would be more trustworthy and practice confidentiality and discretion when handling negative feedback. If MOM wants to encourage employers to be a reference of their employee's conduct, character, work attitude or job performance, you should not provide reviewers' identities or advise the person to "Check with your previous employer" when they demand such information.
Does this sound natural?

We request this deletion because you have told him that we left him a negative feedback

We request this deletion because you told him we gave him a bad performance rating.
Note that I have merged your threads.
In future, please do not start a new thread if you have one already open and active that basically deals with the same thing.
We request this deletion because you have told him that we left him a negative feedback.
Note that "feedback" is uncountable so the indefinite article there was incorrect. Remember to end every sentence with one appropriate punctuation mark.
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