Repetition of the preposition "to" with infinitive

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Junior Member
May 7, 2013
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Can someone please check if the following sentence is correct - especially the use of the preposition "to" and the semicolon?
Thank you very much for your comments!

I would like to experience short-term euphoria, and see my work in a new perspective; overcome the illusions of my own experiencing, and offer my work in a mutual discussion to gain, for me and others, some new impulses for our work.
I don't know the context (is this for a CV? A mission statement?), but I would remove the comma after "euphoria" and change the semicolon after "perspective" to a comma. It really is a very long and wordy sentence, perhaps it should be broken into two statements. "Experiencing" should be "experience" in this case (you want a noun as the object of your prepositional phrase).
Thank you very much, Jill. I was afraid that there were more mistakes than just those you corrected. Would it be a mistake to write all the verbs with "to"? - I would like to experience... and to see my work... to overcome the illusions... and to offer my work? This is what I would really like to know. Thank you again.
I would not recommend using "to" each time. So much repetition of any word sounds unnatural.
Can someone please check if the following sentence is correct - especially the use of the preposition "to" and the semicolon?
Thank you very much for your comments!

I would like to experience short-term euphoria, and see my work in a new perspective; overcome the illusions of my own experiencing, and offer my work in a mutual discussion to gain, for me and others, some new impulses for our work.

May I offer two suggestions?
First, as has already been said, it would be better to split the sentence into two shorter ones, perhaps as follows:

I would like to experience short-term euphoria, and overcome the illusions of my own experiencing. To see my work in a new perspective, I would offer it in a mutual discussion, to gain, for me and others, some new impulses for our work.

Second, let me offer this as a simpler statement of what I think you are trying to say:

I would like to experience joy, and be able to overcome any illusions I retain from my past. Also, I would like to join with others in discussing our work, to get new perspectives on it and gain fresh impulses for future efforts.
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