[Grammar] Regarding correct use of articles ,please answer the following questions.

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Jul 18, 2014
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Disclaimer:-This is not homework
Sentence 1 was given right in a grammar book but I think that "the" should be used as I have used in 2nd sentence because if we are comparing two things and the prior object takes "the" before it then the second object should also contain "the" before it.

1:-The fact that the compact car is better than conventional cars has been proved by its sales.
2:-The fact that the compact car is better than "THE" conventional cars has been proved by its sales.

Please tell me if I am right or if both the sentences are correct or only 1 is right or only 2 is right.

Similarly in that book sentence 3 was given right but I think that "the" should not be used in it because "the" is used for an definite article but here we are telling about all the creatures of earth so the creatures are not specific whether they are mammals, etc.
3:-It is very difficult to point out the number of "THE" creatures living on earth.
4:-It is very difficult to point out the number of creatures living on earth.

Please tell me should I use "the" in the above sentence and if yes then please explain a little. :)

Thanks in advance.
I disagree with you about number 2. Number 1 is correct. I agree with you about Number 3; number 4 is correct.
Dear Mike ,I too think that 1 is correct but could you please explain a little why 2 is wrong.
I am not a teacher.

2 is wrong because it's talking about conventional cars as a whole, not about specific, previously mentioned conventional cars.
What Roman said.
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