reading lesson staging

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Aug 3, 2011
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Hi guys,
I'm quite puzzled by the staging of a reading lesson these days.
Usually I design a reading lesson which incorporates gist reading, scan reading, reading for detailed understanding together in one lesson. But I found it quite difficult this time since the text is extremely long for the students, who have to read all through the text in order to complete the tasks.
my question is, is it possible to break the lesson up into two lesson? in the first lesson, I only deal with gist reading and scan reading, leaving the rest in the second lesson. But how to design the prodction activity for the first lesson?
Could anyone share any ideas? Thank you!!

Can'y you get them to read the text beforehand if it's that long?
Can'y you get them to read the text beforehand if it's that long?

Thanks! but one of my purpose is to help improve their skim and scan skills with related tasks. But it'll lose the point if having them read beforehand I'm afraid.
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