Reading Lesson Plan ideas to English Facts & Figures

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Feb 21, 2014
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English Teacher
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Hi everyone. Need some helps with ideas for a 60 minute reading lesson for English Facts and Figures e.g english is spoken by millions of people etc.

I am struggling to find some ideas or activities i can use.

Any ideas of a warm of activity to get the students interested and vocabulary i can pre-teach. Any good reading tasks i can give them?

Would greatly appreciate your help :)
Hi There, i may not have precisely what you are looking for but we may have something close in my library at If you go to the site and request an account (on the contact form) I'll set you up with an account.
Hi There, i may not have precisely what you are looking for but we may have something close in my library at If you go to the site and request an account (on the contact form) I'll set you up with an account.

Hi. Thank you very much for your reply. I have requested an account. I look forward to it.
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