Reading lesson - in need of resources.

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Jul 15, 2010
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Hi all,

I'm in a bit of a panic. I've just re-read my teaching points for the final assignment, it appears to say that I cannot use material from books that have been provided. I have based my 1 hour lesson all around the material in the book! The teaching centre is closed for the weekend, so I can't pop in and have a look at another book. The deadline is Monday, which leaves me tonight and tomorrow to find a suitable resource and plan a lesson.

I am in need of a reading resource, for pre-intermediate level ideally around the topic of life in the UK/tourism. I know this is a big ask and I feel a fool for only just realizing my lesson plan may not be suitable. I am not asking for the whole lesson plan, just a text I can base one around.

Thanks for your help
I'm sure some of the teachers here will be able to provide assistance.
In the meantime, don't panic. One often gets flustered in situations like this, and forgets one has more resources at hand. Haven't you got anything you can use on your book shelf? Have you tried Google? What about your fellow-students?
Good luck.
I'm sure some of the teachers here will be able to provide assistance.
In the meantime, don't panic. One often gets flustered in situations like this, and forgets one has more resources at hand. Haven't you got anything you can use on your book shelf? Have you tried Google? What about your fellow-students?
Good luck.

I've not got a big collection of books, mainly grammar guides and 'how to teach books'. I've emailed fellow students, but no reply yet (same goes for tutors).

I've planned a whole lesson, with materials and all, then by chance looked at the timetable for teaching. It's not mentioned in the actual guidelines of the assignment notes, but in the timetable of lessons (that I cannot use materials from the course book provided).

I'm sure there are some great resources out there, but its just finding one that will fit in with the topic (ideally a tourist in the UK).

Thanks for the support.
Isn't there a book shop in your area that might be open Saturday evening? You might find something there. If the shop assitant is nice they might help you find something.
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Not really, they will have shut by now.

I am going to rush down to the library first thing tomorrow morning. I will also visit Waterstones (a book shop), it's a long shot but they might have some TEFL books.

As a last resort I'm going to write my own resource. Something about a tourist in London, its a cliche but it's better than nothing :S
I'm guessing I'm too late now, but if you're able to post this question, then presumably you're on the internet. How can you possibly fail to find a reading about UK tourism on the internet?
I'm guessing I'm too late now, but if you're able to post this question, then presumably you're on the internet. How can you possibly fail to find a reading about UK tourism on the internet?


Yeah I found something, I think I was in a bit of a panic as I only realised that the whole lesson/lesson analysis I had spent hours/days putting together wasn't allowed. I had less than a day to prepare a new lesson and analyse it.
So, how did it go?
So, how did it go?

Went fine thanks.

It's my last day today! The month has gone so fast, but at the same time I can't remember the first day. It's definitely been intense.

About 16 of the 20 (including 2 tutors) went out for drinks and pizzas lastnight, it was so much fun.

I feel a bit daunted now though, knowing I could potentially be employable anywhere in the world. I see job adverts and think, 'thanks great, I'll go there' but then the one below it catches my eye and I go, 'Oh that one's even better!'.
I see job adverts and think, 'thanks great, I'll go there' but then the one below it catches my eye and I go, 'Oh that one's even better!'.
That's part of the fun of this life.

During my TEFL career I worked in Germany and Turkey (planned), China (The first job that was available at the time), Estonia and Oman (to join a friend), Lebanon (head-hunted), the Czech Republic (initially the first job that was available, the second time a job offer out of the blue, the third time planned, the fourth time to make it my home). Places that I nearly went to, but didn't for one reason or another, included Malaysia, Uganda, Vietnam and Japan.
That's part of the fun of this life.

During my TEFL career I worked in Germany and Turkey (planned), China (The first job that was available at the time), Estonia and Oman (to join a friend), Lebanon (head-hunted), the Czech Republic (initially the first job that was available, the second time a job offer out of the blue, the third time planned, the fourth time to make it my home). Places that I nearly went to, but didn't for one reason or another, included Malaysia, Uganda, Vietnam and Japan.

Yeah, the trainers on the course must have covered half the world between them. Easily 30 countries I would say.

I'm thinking of trying to find a summer school position for 4 weeks or so, then I have some paid experience for applying for a 'propper' job soon after. Plus it gives me a little extra time to get my affairs in order!
I'm thinking of trying to find a summer school position for 4 weeks or so, then I have some paid experience for applying for a 'proper' job soon after. Plus it gives me a little extra time to get my affairs in order!
Good luck. Don't be too disappointed if the teaching side at your summer school is a little different from what you have been practising over the last four weeks.
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