reaching very low levels of burden

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Feb 19, 2016
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Does "reaching very low levels of burden" mean "making the burden (of these diseases) very small"?


Potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study


The COVID-19 pandemic, and actions taken in response to it, will have far-reaching consequences on other diseases, poverty, food security, and economic growth.1 In low-income and middle-income countries, a particular concern is the potential impact on three major health priorities, specifically, HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, due to a possible disruption to health services. Many low-income and middle-income countries have high burdens of these three diseases, and millions of people depend on large-scale programmes to control and treat them.2, 3, 4 In recent years, substantial progress has been made in reducing the burden of HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, and ambitious targets have been set for reaching very low levels of burden by 2030, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.5 Interruptions to control programmes could result in major setbacks, compounding the direct impact of COVID-19.

Source: The Lancet Published July 13, 2020
Have you looked for a definition of "burden" that includes the word "disease"?
Have you looked for a definition of "burden" that includes the word "disease"?

It doesn't seem to be in need to look for such a definition, for the sentence in which this phrase is included has contained the description "reducing the burden of HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria." The three are notorious diseases, aren't they? People are eager to get rid of the nasty burden.
target for reaching very low levels of burden

The burden (responsibility) of countries to reduce the incidence of the diseases (HIV, TB and malaria) has been on the downward trend due to successful efforts to curb them and advancement in medicine. The burden is targeted to be further reduced by 2030 to a minimal level, with sustained efforts, so that resources can be channeled other diseases like Covid-19. Such efforts are being disrupted by the current virus pandemic, which may result in a reversal of the trend for the other diseases.
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I think "burden" here means "something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about," rather than "responsibility".
Take a look at the following link to understand the specific meaning of "disease burden".

GoodTaste, why do you almost only post about diseases, and particularly the coronavirus?
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GoodTaste, why do you almost only post about diseases, and particularly the coronavirus?

That is about the popular science of healthcare, one of my favorite topics.
Is it the time to make the reason obvious?
I'm not sure how much more obvious I can make it. Disease burden is a common collocation in medicine. If you had googled the words together, you would have discovered this.
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