[General] Quotation Usage in British English and American English

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Novita S. Dian

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Mar 22, 2015
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Hi, my name is Dian. I am a student english from Indonesia, and i am a new member in here.

I want ask about quotation usage. What is differences quotation usage between AmE and BrE ?
Hi, my name is Dian. I am an English student [STRIKE]english[/STRIKE] from Indonesia (no comma required here) and I am a new member [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] here.

I want to ask about quotation usage. What is [STRIKE]differences[/STRIKE] the difference between quotation usage [STRIKE]between[/STRIKE] in AmE and BrE?

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

See my corrections above. You have asked about a very wide subject and your question is not clear. What exactly are you confused about and what makes you think that AmE and BrE use quotations differently?
Dian, are you asking about punctuation?
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