Question regarding the opposite to a well known word

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Jan 12, 2014
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I think everyone knows the word "crush".

It is used to describe infatuation towards a person.

(to have a crush on someone).

The question however is:

What does one call the person that is "being crushed on" ?

Is there one (widely accepted and well known) word for this ?

I couldn't find one (neither in english nor in my main language, german).

Thanks for replies in advance:

We don't really have one. "The object of his/her crush" is what that person is. Some people might describe them as a "victim" of that crush!
In the US, you might refer to that person as the "crush."

For example, at your 20th high school reunion, you see a man and remark to your spouse "Oh my goodness! That's Bill Jones. He was my high school crush. All through freshman biology, I kept hoping he'd notice me."

But oddly, we seem to do that only looking backwards. If my daughter liked someone right now, I wouldn't call him her crush. I'd only call him that 10 years from now.
not a teacher

With a bit of luck, the object of a major crush might become your main squeeze.
Welcome to the forum, pasc.:-D

Please note that a better title would have been The person "being crushed on".

Extract from the Posting Guidelines:

'Thread titles should include all or part of the word/phrase being discussed.'
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