Question regarding spikeball


May 1, 2020
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Excerp from a short story. I looked up SPIKEBALL online, still am confused with the word SPIKE, in the name of the game and a physical shape. What's the connection? I think it may conern the origin of the game. Thanks!

"Lincoln come in looking like one ah them spike ball they swing in them medieval holoshows my husband used to like.
He face had a spike right between he eyes and mouth, like a nose.
He look fierce, but somehow he was rolling smooth on the ground.
“I modified a suggestion from an English Farmhand.
I suspect Ignatius will think twice about putting me in his mouth henceforth,” Lincoln say, tipping back and forth on his spikes like he can’t wait to get going.
Last edited by a moderator:
Lincoln is an robot.
This is an excerpt from a short story. I looked up SPIKEBALL "spikeball" online, but I'm still am confused with about the word SPIKE "spike", in the name of the game and a physical shape. What's the connection? I think it may concern the origin of the game. Thanks!
Lincoln is an a robot.
Please note my corrections above.

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