question regarding comma before where (for job application), please help

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Jan 15, 2014
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I have a question about the sentence below. I am not sure if it is OK, because I think I am using 'where' as a subordinating conjunctive to join two independent clauses. The sentence: Most of my experience was gained while completing my Ph.D. at XXX University, where I preformed research on elucidating the function of XX in XX. I am not sure if it is OK, because I think I am using 'where' as a subordinating conjunctive to join two independent clauses. However, I have seen some example cover letters that seem to do the same thing, so I am not sure. If anyone could clarify this for me, it would be much appreciated. Thanks to anyone that helps.
where I preformed research on elucidating the function of XX in XX

To me, the above in red is a subordinate clause in a complex sentence. It is not an independent clause.
You would be correct, therefore, in sticking with your sentence as written:
Most of my experience was gained while completing my Ph.D. at XXX University, where I preformed research on elucidating the function of XX in XX.

On the other hand, You have more education than I. Hope others can provide more authoritative help.:-?
Let's start by spelling 'performed' correctly.

In fact, 'carried out', 'conducted' or 'undertook' would all be better before 'research' than 'performed'.

Apart from that, your sentence reads well.
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[FONT=&quot]Thanks ! I missed that mistake (dyslexic). [/FONT]
Very helpful. Thanks !!!!
Does one perform resarch on elucidating a function?

It may well be correct, but it sounds odd to me.
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