Question from a ESL Teacher

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Jan 6, 2012
Member Type
Interested in Language
Native Language
Home Country
Current Location
South Korea
Hi I am Anku, interested in language.

I am a Mongolian citizen currently living in Korea, and I was wondering if it is hard or not, for pure Asians to find job as a ESL teacher?
I'm thinking of taking the course soon, but a word from a ESL teacher would be just GREAT.

Thank you all,
Wish you nothing but the best :D
Do you mean in Korea? If so, what's your legal status there now?
Currently I have D-2 visa, which is a student's visa.
Although in very near future I'm hesitating if it's worth or not.

Why did you ask, hehe?

Thank you for the respond
From what I have read, you need a passport from an English-speaking country to work there. There are Asian teachers working in some parts of Asia- one complaint I have heard from teachers from the Philippines is that they are classified as non-native speakers in some countries and paid less- how widespread this practice is, I don't know.
Oh I see,
Hmmm. A bit complicated :(

But, u know what, I am an engineering junior student, which already have a BS in chemistry. Although I have a BS somehow I'm majoring in engineering bachelors again. :D

The thing is I've been into language ever since I was in high school, and I know I can be pretty good at it when I put my mind to it.

So according to my situation and your experience I have 2 questions, of course if you don't mind. ,
1. Is there any other field available for me in language, what do you think sir/madam? maybe linguistics or something...

2. Why did you choose to be an ESL teacher in the first place?

Any opinion would be worth it. Thank you.
Which countries are you interested in?
South Korea :D
Cause I'm seeing a lot of ads and opportunities in Korea.

What do you think? :D
The E2 visa for teaching English targets certain nationalities- I don't know if the rules are more flexible for people already inside the country. Have you asked the immigration authorities about this?
It won't be as easy for you as it would a native speaker. But, if you have the proper visa, you can call schools that are hiring. If your English is very good, you don't have a strong accent, you're a hard worker and an outgoing person, many schools would feel fortunate to have you.
You can only try your best.

Good luck.
I see the points here.

No I didn't check the immigration authorities, but I'd certainly do.

Thanks for all the info.s, and are there any pure ESL teachers around you guys or that you know?

Again thanks for your opinion :D
What do you mean by pure?
By pure I mean an Asian whose parents are both Asians, not one of the parents are American, or from any other English speaking countries.
The only Asians I know teaching are American or British. The only non-native speakers I know are white, and highly qualified (masters/DELTA etc). There was someone from the Philippines on my CELTA who already had a job in Saudi Arabia, although I suspect she wasn't paid as much as someone from one of the main English-speaking countries would've been.

The sad fact is that there are enough racist parents out there for it to affect the hiring policies of many schools in Asia. Not just non-native speakers, but you get parents that even object to Asian-Americans, because they assume they will use "Asian methods" (whatever they are). But getting CELTA certified will definitely help your chances, because it's not only a teacher qualification, it's also evidence that your English is a good enough standard to teach.
Well thank you for that info.

I guess this is indeed a true but bitter fact that I must know I guess, cause I was searching some information about it and all the ads here in Korea are looking for native speakers. That's for sure, but as I know it's the culture that what counts right? Because once we're able understand the native English speaking country culture (like some special language that only in that country understands, whatever it is) that's more important to the learners I guess.
Although the racism, yeah I get it.

Anyway, thank you so much "I'm with stupid" :D
Thank you for your time.

PS: I might ask another question relating to these soon, if you don't mind :D
As state school English teachers in most countries tend to be locals, one of the strong selling points of private language schools is hiring native speakers, which is seen by many as a way of supplementing the state curriculum.
I had a lot of complaints about a very competent teacher who worked for me in China. Although she was British, born and educated in England, and spoke with a standard southern English accent, her parents were Chinese, originally from Hong Kong. She did not look English enough for the parents of my pupils. These parents were paying a lot of money for a 'real' English teacher, and many of them just would not accept somebody who did not look the part. :-(

This was not quite the same as the overt racism I encountered when I wanted to employ an American whose ancestors had come from Africa.
Mmm, I see.

Thank you for sharing :D
I guess I need to have a second thought about the course...
I guess I need to have a second thought about the course...
Sorry if we have put you off, but it's better to know about the problems you might encounter before you invest a lot of money and effort.

If there are language schools in your locality, why not have a chat with the Directors of Studies of some of them? Tell them that you are thinking of taking a CELTA and ask them what your chances of a job with them are.
It's totally OKAY :D

Actually I hold a BS degree but I thinking of beginning a new career in life, before it's too late. Because I don't find my self succeed or having fun in chemistry lab white coat for the rest of my life, since we're only living once.

I'm 24, from Mongolia and currently in South Korea.

Anyway, I gratefully thank you for the responds and sharing your experience.

Wish you all the best of luck,
Sincerely, Anku
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