Question for TEFL lesson plan

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Feb 12, 2012
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Student or Learner
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British English
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I'm on the last part of my course and I've been doing ok until now considering I have no teaching experience. I'd like some feed back on this lesson plan before I send it for marking.
Thank you

Anticipated problems:
Students may not understand the game or all of the personal pronouns and sentence structures.
Some students may be shy and not want to take part.

Demon straight the game with a student that does understand. Check for understanding of personal pronouns and sentence structures we will use. If students don't understand,drill and check for understanding by asking concept questions.
Shy students: Try to give them a different role and encourage them to take part, Pair with a confident student.

Preparations and aids:
Tape recorder
Tape with animal sounds
Black/white board
Gap fill sheets

Elicit some names of animals.
I would set a written task and ask the students to write 5 sentences using the animal names.
Correct mistakes or errors.Write answers on the board.
Review last lesson.
6 mins T/S S/s

I would explain the game we will play later in class.Check for understanding of the rules.
T/S 1 min

Ask for some sentences using personal pronouns + verb + nouns ( I like dogs).
Drill more examples.(She loves cats)
S/T T/S 3 mins

Students work in pairs on a gap filling sheet and check answers.
Correct mistakes or errors.
P/W S/S T/S 4 mins

Lead-in to the game :
Demonstrate the game and check for understanding
T/S 1 min

The game:
I would tell the students that when I play the tape they will hear some animal sounds and I would like them tell me the name of the animal they hear,The first student to name the animal sound can sit down. When two students have correctly guessed each animal they will become partners and sit down together.
When everyone has a partner each pair will take turns acting out an animal of their choice to the rest of the class, who will then have to guess what they are.The student that guesses the most animal names is the winner.
PW T/S S/S 12 mins

Follow-up Activity:
Discuss pets that the students have or had, Ask some concept questions about the pets.
Set home work, I would like 10 questions about animals, I'd give an example on the board. Q.Where do fish live? A. In the sea
T/S/T 3 mins
Would it not be a good idea to wait for feedback on your last assignment before sending in the next one?
It's the same assignment
If this is a distance learning assignment, the feedback you get from your tutors will be more valuable than anything we can say. They have given you a model, which we have not seen, on which to base your plan. Advice we give you might not be be what your tutors want to see.

There is also the point that, as this is a homework assignment, we should not be assisting you. Your tutors want to see what you know and can do, not what we know.
The reason I've posted here is because my tutor did not leave much feedback on my first attempt. I sent him an email asking for more feedback and still have received nothing back yet. I do understand your point.
The reason I've posted here is because my tutor did not leave much feedback on my first attempt. I sent him an email asking for more feedback and still have received nothing back yet. I do understand your point.
It is not for me to comment on your tutor's lack of response, but I do feel that if you are paying for a course and have been promised feedback, then you should be getting it. It does not appear reasonable to expect you to produce fresh assignments before you have received adequate feedback on earlier assignments.
I passed :lol:
Congratulations. :up:
(Not a Teacher)

Congatulations. But did you mean to type 'demon straight'? I'm sure you meant 'demonstrate', but 'demon straight' is a rather peculiar misspelling.
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