Proper Nouns

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May 25, 2016
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I apologise if this is posted in the wrong section but could someone confirm the following are proper nouns and thus need to be capitalised.

1. north-western Scottish coast or North-Western Scottish Coast

2. Thames estuary or Thames Estuary

3. Dublin port or Dublin Port

Best Regards

It is not always as easy as we would like.
It is spelled "Thames Estuary" in Wikipedia.
It is spelled Dublin Port.
I found:

rocky coast at northwestern Scotland


the northwestern Scottish coast
Hi Tarheel,

Many thanks for the replies. Like you I have looked up the above, and various similar examples, online and both forms seem to be used in roughly equal measure.

Perhaps I should ask the question in the "Ask a Teacher" section, being new to the forum I think I probably posted the above question in the wrong place.

Thanks again.


EDIT BY MODERATOR: I have moved the thread.
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I am perfectly satisfied with the examples I found. Sooner or later you have to make up your mind what you are going to use.
When in doubt, use lower case. Only capitalize if it really is a proper noun.
Thank you Tarheel and Charlie,

I'm satisfied that Dublin Port and Thames Estuary are proper nouns but is north-western Scottish coast a proper noun and thus should be written North-Western Scottish Coast?


Is there a place called North-Western Scottish Coast?

If not, (and it sounds more like a geographical description than a name to me) I would only capitalize Scottish.
Hi Roman,

Thanks for your answer. Most helpful with regards me trying to establish in my own mind what constitutes a proper noun.

It is not a distinct place, more a geographic region. Are not regions proper nouns?


Not necessarily.

Click here and read about proper nouns.

See also the Similar Threads below.
I've already read most of the links you posted but sites only use simple examples in general.

What about the following: Franco-Spanish frontier. Should it be Franco-Spanish Frontier? It is not a specific place but a geographic area.
Unless it is recorded somewhere as being the officially recognised title of that specific area then no, it shouldn't be capitalised. It's simply the frontier between France and Spain.
Mind you, I haven't heard that phrase used much. I'd call it the French-Spanish border.
I've already read most of the links you posted but sites only use simple examples in general.

What about the following: Franco-Spanish frontier. Should it be Franco-Spanish Frontier? It is not a specific place but a geographic area.

Again, WHEN IN DOUBT, use lower-case letters. If you've looked up "Franco-Spanish frontier" and didn't find it as a capitalized proper place name, then it probably isn't. Don't add capitals when they aren't necessary.
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