prevent impact during fall

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VIP Member
Dec 27, 2010
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South Korea
Stronger than existing 1mm Jelly Case and bumper-like edges prevent impact during fall

Does the underlined mean that the smartphone case's bumper-like edges can prevent impact or shock when it falls to hit the ground by one's mistake?
Where did you get that text from?
Where did you get that text from?

I'm trying to translate an advertising phrase of a smartphone case in Korean to English.
Keannu, the only way you can prevent impact is not to drop it in the first place. The case protects the phone from damage. Nothing more and nothing less.

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I'm trying to translate an advertising phrase of a smartphone case from Korean to English.


This case protects your phone from anything you can do to it.
The jelly case, which is stronger than the standard 1mm cases used in other phones, and the bumper-like edges prevent damage from impact.
You can't prevent impact if it falls. You can soften the impact during the fall.

This case protects your phone from anything you can do to it.

I'm pretty sure the bumper case isn't going to help if you drop your phone in the sea.
I'm pretty sure the bumper case isn't going to help if you drop your phone in the sea.

Our bumper case will make your phone invulnerable to anything. It's perfect!
How is it perfect? And how does having a bumper case make it invulnerable if you drop it in the sea?

Sorry to sound pernickety but we are trying to help the OP write something that actually works and is true.
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