Present perfect simple vs present perfect continuous


Mar 4, 2019
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English Teacher
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For an action that lasts for a period of time from the past to present, should we use present perfect simple or present perfect continuous?

For example, suppose I am still in this house, should I use

A. I have stayed in this house for five days.


B. I have been staying in this house for five days.
Either is possible. The progressive form puts more emphasis on the duration of the stay.
For an action that lasts for a period of time from the past to the present, should we use the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous?

For example, suppose I am still in this a particular house. Which of the following should I use?

A. I have stayed in this house for five days.
B. I have been staying in this house for five days.
Note my corrections above. I probably wouldn't use "stay" at all. "I've been in this house for five days".

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