Present perfect or simple past. In all my previous job, I (worked)/(have worked) in customer service.

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Junior Member
Jun 26, 2021
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Hi everybody,
I would like to ask if these 2 tenses are interchangeable in this context.

My first job worked in customer service, my second job I also worked for customer service, my third job I worked for customer service too.
In an interview, I would say to the employer:

In all my previous jobs, I (worked)/(have worked) in customer service. So I think that this position fits me well.

I think I can use either. Right?
Any difference between them?

Thank you.
In all my previous jobs, I (worked)/(have worked) in customer service.
I suppose you could use either but the sentence doesn't sound very natural.

I suggest:
I've always been in customer service.
I've always worked in customer service.
All my jobs so far have been in customer service.
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