[Grammar] present perfect change to present simple question

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Aug 25, 2013
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I have a question below about the present perfect.
This sentence "Drugs
have become a big problem everywhere. "
Why cannot it use present simple? Such as "Drugs become a big problem everywhere."
This problem of the drugs exists in
everywhere, dosen't it?
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Welcome to the forums, puman.:-D

I have a question below about the present perfect.

Consider t
his sentence: "Drugs
have become a big problem everywhere."

Why cannot it use the present simple? Such as "Drugs become a big problem everywhere." ​This is non-standard use of the present simple. You could use the present continuous: 'Drugs are becoming a big problem everywhere'.

This problem of [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] drugs exists [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE]
everywhere, doesn't it? Actually, no. Plenty of places don't have drug problems.

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Why cannot it use present simple? Such as "Drugs become a big problem everywhere."
This problem of the drugs exists in
everywhere, dosen't it?

That would work with other verbs, but not with become, which is describing the process/change. Drugs are a problem everywhere or The drug problem exists everywhere are both fine grammatically.
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