Present continuous

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Jan 24, 2023
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English Teacher
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Can I use present continues in timetables and secheduled events as the present simple please answer with details?
Can I use the present continues continuous in timetables and secheduled scheduled events as well as the present simple? Please give me a detailed answer. with details?
Welcome to the forum, @Eduenglish.

Please note my corrections above. I had to guess what you meant with the underlined part above. "... in timetables and scheduled events as the present simple" isn't grammatical and I wasn't sure exactly what you meant.

As an English teacher, it's important that you ensure your posts are error-free. Learners on the site will assume that everything you write is correct. Misspelling the name of a tense is a particularly unfortunate error for an English teacher to make. Also, make sure you separate sentences appropriately.

You need to give us some example sentences to work with. Write a couple of sentences, using the present simple and then the present continuous in each one and then we'll be able to comment.
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