pre test post test

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Nov 5, 2011
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I'm doing a research on writing skill. I used within subject group design. I gave a topic to the students to write as pre test. then I applied the first treatment. can I use the same topic for the post tests in order to check the students progress?
:-? Why are you asking us about research methods? This is a language forum.
Pretest-posttest designs are widely used in behav-
ioral research, primarily for the purpose of comparing
groups and/or measuring change resulting from exper-
imental treatments. The focus of this article is on com-
paring groups with pretest and posttest data and related
reliability issues. In rehabilitation research, change is
commonly measured in such dependent variables as
employment status, income, empowerment, assertive-
ness, self-advocacy skills, and adjustment to disabil-
ity. The measurement of change provides a vehicle for
assessing the impact of rehabilitation services, as well
as the effects of specific counseling and allied health
Pretest-posttest designs are widely used in behav-
ioral research, primarily for the purpose of comparing
groups and/or measuring change resulting from exper-
imental treatments. The focus of this article is on com-
paring groups with pretest and posttest data and related
reliability issues. In rehabilitation research, change is
commonly measured in such dependent variables as
employment status, income, empowerment, assertive-
ness, self-advocacy skills, and adjustment to disabil-
ity. The measurement of change provides a vehicle for
assessing the impact of rehabilitation services, as well
as the effects of specific counseling and allied health
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