Pre- interview CElTA

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Julia Melnikova

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Apr 3, 2013
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Dear all,
Will you please to help me with this task for CElTA
How would you explain the difference between these pairs of sentences:

a) I haven’t seen my boss this morning.
b) I didn’t see my boss this morning.
a is different because it shows the result , but b the fact ? (It is really confusing )

a) He didn’t need to call the doctor.
b) He needn’t have called the doctor.
When we say that someone needn't have done something, it means that they did it, but it was not necessary and use didn't need to to say that something was not necessary.

thank you before hand.
Welcome to the forum, Julia.

We like to help when we can, but we do not help with this sort of assignment. The course providers want to see what you can do, not what we can do.
Welcome to the forum, Julia.

We like to help when we can, but we do not help with this sort of assignment. The course providers want to see what you can do, not what we can do.
I got it , thank you any way .
Re: Pre- interview CELTA

Hello everybody,

I am also applying for a CELTA course and I am a little uncertain about the pre interview task. I have read the previous posts and I find it just fair that you do not give help regarding the content of the tasks. The help I am looking for is about the best way to present the answer. I have to answer questions like “How would you explain to a language learner the difference in meaning between these two examples?” and I wrote complete detailed paragraphs of 70-90 words plus examples.

My question to you is: the expected answer to this kind of task is as full and detailed as I prepared it, or should I have written just a sentence or few bullets?

Thank you in advance
Re: Pre- interview CELTA

My question to you is: the expected answer to this kind of task is as full and detailed as I prepared it, or should I have written just a sentence or few bullets?
If the course-providers gave no suggestion as to how you should present your answers, then it probably won't matter too much.

They are not trying to catch you out in these initial tasks. They just want to see if you have the potential to complete the course successfully.
Re: Pre- interview CELTA

Your answer is very comforting to me since I was a little worried about my work.

Thank you very much
Re: Pre- interview CELTA

Your answer is very comforting to me since I was a little worried about my work.
One slight consolation if you are not accepted on the course is that (unless the course is full) this is because the course providers doubt that you have the ability to get through. For a number of good reasons, reputable course providers accept trainees only of they (the providers) are reasonably sure that the trainee has a realistic chance of passing.

So if they turn you down, you will have saved a possibly wasted course fee. It's better to be disappointed before you have paid the money and had four weeks of stressful work than after.

However, let's be positive. God luck to you and Julia.
Re: Pre- interview CELTA

I am back again with I hope the last question on this topic.
It is the first time I have to answer to a question like : "Write briefly why you want to follow the course and why you think you would be suited to English teaching" so I would love a bit of guidance.

I wrote 4 paragraphs of about 300 words as follows:
First about why I chose CELTA to begin my English teaching career,
the second about why I want to follow this career,
the third about the abilities and aptitudes that I have and I think will help me be a good teacher and
the last about why I look forward to my life after CELTA.

Is there any topic I left out or something I should have left out ?

Thank you in advance again.
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