[Grammar] Pre-employment test

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Aug 4, 2013
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Hi all

This is my first post on this forum, I did read the rules but if I still did something wrong and break the rules I apologize for this..I'm not sure if I post this thread in the right place.
I was assigned the Pre-employment test which is an English level evaluating test. and in the final sections I have three images which I have to describe in five sentences each.

I need some help from native English speaker to correct my descriptions because I'm sure there will be a lot of mistakes, any logical or spelling corrections are welcome

here is the requirement:
For each of the following images, using exactly 5 sentences, please describe the image (taking care not to give an opinion on the images just a description).

here goes the images:

image 1:

image 2:

image 3:

and the descriptions I wrote for each of them:

image 1 description:

1. A cute Robot with a rounded body, two arms and antenna on his head.
2. He is holding some sort of shredder machine.
3. A Picture with a flower goes through the machine.
4. The Robot is spinning the machine.
5. Machine cuts the picture in a small pieces with the same flower image on each of them
image 2 description:

1. A square-like blue tin can
2. The can is half opened
3. There is a computer keyboard in the can
4. The red flash light is shining on the keyboard
5. The keyboard is only partly seen

image 3 description:

1. A pyramid like 3D objects with stairs one side and vertically colored triangles the other.
2. There are six colors on the painted side: orange, green, red, yellow, cyan, and purple
3. Painted triangles are not evenly spread, the yellow one is the smallest
4. A 2 dimensional human figure with 3 dimensional head
5. The human figure is going up the


any advice, correction would be greatly appreciated......
Welcome to the forum, marner.

It looks to me like you are asking us to give you an unfair advantage over other candidates.
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