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Mar 20, 2015
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Some people prefer to play individual sports others prefer to play team sports. Discuss the advantages of each. Then indicate which you prefer and why?

Sports are important and vital for humanity; sports exercise our body, our muscles, all in all, our health and mind. I think that every person should pay attention to it, and go in for sport he or she prefers. Some people prefer individual sports, and others prefer team sports. Both individual and team sports have advantages, and I am going to numerate them.
Swimming, tennis, golf are individual sports. Person playing them has great opportunity in front of his or her. The game depends on you, on your work. Besides, you can estimate your abilities and your real level, while during team games; you cannot identify your real role on game, however it is very important for every person. Besides, the prizes you win, are your own, it will not be divided between some people.
Football, basketball and hokey are team sports. The great advantage of this type of sport is lack of responsibility. The responsibility depends on every member of team equally. Besides, your teammates can support you, you can learn much from them, they can help u during game, can correct your failures. Every member of team must do his or her best, and team will achieve goals,
As for me, I prefer to play as a member of team sport. I think, besides the advantages shown below, team sports are more interesting and joyful. I like football, and it will be nice to be a member of football team.
Please explain what these pieces you are posting are. We do not correct homework; that would be cheating.
i am going to take toefl test, i need your help, plz
Some people prefer to play individual sports while others prefer to play team sports. Discuss the advantages of each. Then indicate which you prefer and why?

Sports are important and vital for humanity; sports exercises our body, our muscles, [STRIKE]all in all[/STRIKE], our health and mind. I think that every person should pay attention to it and go [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] for the sport he or she prefers. Some people prefer individual sports, and others prefer team sports. Both individual and team sports have their advantages, and I am going to [STRIKE]numerate[/STRIKE] discuss them.

Swimming, tennis, golf are individual sports[STRIKE] Person playing them has great opportunity in front of his or her.[/STRIKE] which provide great opportunities for personal development. The sport depends on [STRIKE]you[/STRIKE] each individual, on [STRIKE]your [/STRIKE] his/her[STRIKE]work[/STRIKE] input. Besides, you can [STRIKE]estimate[/STRIKE] assess your abilities and your [STRIKE]real level[/STRIKE] limitations, while [STRIKE]during[/STRIKE] with team [STRIKE]games[/STRIKE] sports, [STRIKE]you cannot identify your real role on game[/STRIKE] the role of the individual is not so clear-cut. [STRIKE]however it is very important for every person[/STRIKE]. Each member need to play his/part in contributing to the success of the team. [STRIKE]Besides, the prizes you win, are your own, it will not be divided between some people.
[/STRIKE] Prizes won from individual sports are for the individual to keep and do not need to be shared.
Football, basketball and hokey are team sports. The greatest advantage of [STRIKE]this[/STRIKE] these types of sport is lack (?? the need for teamwork?) of responsibility. The responsibility [STRIKE]depends on[/STRIKE] is shared among every member of team equally. Besides, your teammates [STRIKE]can[/STRIKE] support you, you can learn much from [STRIKE]them[/STRIKE]each other. They can help u during a game [STRIKE]can correct your failures[/STRIKE] and guide you. Only when every member of a team [STRIKE]must[/STRIKE] contributes and does his or her best, [STRIKE]and[/STRIKE] would the team [STRIKE]will [/STRIKE]achieve its goals.

As for me, I prefer to [STRIKE]play as a member of[/STRIKE] take part in a team sport. [STRIKE]I think, [/STRIKE]Besides the advantages [STRIKE]shown below[/STRIKE] mentioned above, team sports are more interesting and [STRIKE]joyful[/STRIKE] enjoyable. In particular, I like football, and it [STRIKE]will be[/STRIKE] is nice to be a member of a football team.
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thanks very much :roll:
Is there anything that you do not agree with?
Why the "rolling eyes"?
plz explain

why " sports exercises our body" and "joyful enjoyable"

thanks so much

10808135_1572179033003678_1506448281_n.jpg it's my pic) thank you again!
Sports(plural) exercise our body. - Yes, you are right about "exercise".
But I prefer to put it this way : sports enable us to exercise our body.

Team sports are enjoyable (not joyful) - is right
thanksss very much)))))!!! You'r right ))) ;-);-);-);-)
please check this one too

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ”Haste makes waste”

Many people think that doing job with the great speed will lead them to better results. I think that this approach is not right because of many reasons and examples. In my opinion, the statement is totally right, and the haste makes waste of time and money, lead us to failures.
Every person should concentrate his or her attention on doing job better. Doing job faster will bring mistakes which must be corrected, which needs time, even in some cases work must be repeated. So in this way we lose more time and job seems hard and intolerable.
Carelessly accepted decisions may bring much waste. For example if you want to drive fast, in order to save time, it may cause accident. In spite of the opportunity, that it may be fatal accident, you will have to waste a lot of money and time because of your haste.
Every person should think carefully before making decision in order to do better job, and have better results. Every work has to be done with concentrated attention. Of course, people do not want to consume their time, but the nasty work will never be appreciated for its speed. So everybody should do work carefully. In order to avoid from problems, such as doing same job again, or fail because of scattered mistakes, we must be attentive.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ”Haste makes waste”

Many people think that doing a job with the great speed will lead [STRIKE]them[/STRIKE] to better results. I think that this approach is not right because of many reasons and examples. In my opinion, the statement is totally right,[STRIKE] and[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] that haste makes waste in terms of time and money, and it would lead[STRIKE]us[/STRIKE] to failure[STRIKE]s[/STRIKE].

Every person should concentrate his or her attention on doing a job better. Doing a job faster will bring mistakes which must be corrected, which [STRIKE]needs[/STRIKE] takes time, [STRIKE]even in some cases[/STRIKE] to the extent that work [STRIKE]must[/STRIKE] has to be [STRIKE]repeated[/STRIKE] done all over again. So in this way we [STRIKE]lose [/STRIKE] end up losing more time and the job seems to be harder and more intolerable.

Carelessly [STRIKE]accepted[/STRIKE] made decisions may bring [STRIKE]much waste[/STRIKE] disastrous consequences. For example,[STRIKE]if[/STRIKE] you want to drive fast (,)[STRIKE] in order[/STRIKE] to save time. [STRIKE]it may cause accident.[/STRIKE] and you face the high risk of meeting with an accident. [STRIKE]In spite of the opportunity, that it may be fatal accident, you will have to waste a lot of money and time because of your haste. [/STRIKE] The accident may even be fatal and the loss would be immeasurable compared the limited time that is saved.

Every person should think carefully before making a decision in order to do better job, [STRIKE]and have[/STRIKE] to achieve better results. Every piece of work [STRIKE]has to[/STRIKE] should be done with [STRIKE]concentrated[/STRIKE] full attention. Of course, people do not want to [STRIKE]consume[/STRIKE] waste their time, but the[STRIKE] nasty[/STRIKE] work that has been compromised will [STRIKE]never [/STRIKE] not be appreciated [STRIKE]for its speed[/STRIKE]even if it takes a shorter time to complete. So everybody should do their work carefully. In order to avoid [STRIKE]from[/STRIKE] problems, such as [STRIKE]doing [/STRIKE] having to do the same job again, or [STRIKE]fail of scattered mistakes[/STRIKE] doing a slipshod job, we must [STRIKE]be[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]attentive.[/STRIKE] fully concentrate on the work at hand.

not a teacher
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thanks very much ;-);-)
A company is going to give some money either to support the art or to protect environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sponsors’ supports are very worthwhile for developing of cities/countries. Financial aids help to develop almost every aspects of the economy, and every person should respect and appreciate sponsors work. If I were the director of the company, I would prefer give money in order to protect environment than to support art, because I think that health is the most important for people. However, I think that art also is important.

In my opinion, education, including school education, art, sightseeing, is necessary for people to develop their mental abilities, to make correct decisions, to work and earn their living and provide their families. So supporting art would increase the level of community. I know the importance of it, however, I also know, that our community has more important, I can say even vital, question to be solved. This question is our environment, its protection and clearness. People cannot continue their existence with only high education people need more-health.

Pollution is global problem, scientist make any effort to create new devices, which pollute less than nowadays devices, because they realize, that pollution endangers our health and life. However, it costs a lot of money, my community needs to be supported in this question, and the company can invest money and help to avoid health problems. In this way, the company would help not only us, but the next generations as well.

I think that company should give money, in order to make our environment clear and nice. They can expand green areas, which will bring clear air. Besides, they can make new playing fields for children. I think it is very important for my community. My country already has developed art, talented people, so this field does not need much investment.

I think for my community, it would be better to support to protect our environment, increase the number of trees, make new parks and so on, than support art. I know that art is very important, but it already has high level in my country.
**Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movies do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Movies become an important part of our life. Many people like to watch movies in their pastime and am not an exception. I prefer to watch movies having meaning than just amusing and funny but senseless movies. Because I can learn a lot from this type of movies, they can be interesting souse of information, I can gain good advice for my life, besides, it is better to entertain meantime learn.

There are many movies, that people really enjoy, but these movies are empty, I mean they haven’t any meaning. I think these movies make people lazy and addicted to movies, they can impact on people and have bad affects. Sometimes people, especially teenagers, cannot differ real life from movies; their behavior could be changed in force of movies. However, educational movies give people many good advices, which may be beneficial for them in relationships.

The educational and/or meaningful movies give people valuable advices. Movies are about daily and common problems we usually face at, they give us alternative variants, give us interesting solutions, which we can use. Sometimes, we cannot imagine these solutions by ourselves, we must appreciate this great advantages of these types of movies. I also want to talk about informational movies. These movies are very interesting and educational. We must spend a lot of time and effort to get same information from other souses, from books or internet. Watching educational movies is very convenient way to gain information from different field, such as nature, science, art and human life.

I think that it is very comfortable to have rest and get information meanwhile. Person must learn more and more; person must develop. It is the most important foundation for survival; we must be informed about surrounding world, about people and their behavior. However, all these require time, effort and experience. However, we can learn it during relaxation by watching, educational, psychological scientific movies. Time is gold, and we must use it right.

The reasons mentioned above, lead me to select educational and meaningful movies to watch during my leisure time. I think that even entertainment must be educational in our competitive life.

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