[General] Pls help correct my passage about description of a foreign language school. Thanks!

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Aug 3, 2012
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Student or Learner
Native Language
Home Country
Hong Kong
Current Location
Hong Kong
In order to reinforce our leading market position, we will set up a school in Australia next year. The school is expected to be a foreign language school which comprises a high school, a middle school and a primary school. As a foreign language school, we will offer a bilingual learning environment for our students with an emphasis on academic Chinese development. In order to tailor our Chinese-language curriculum according to the specific linguistic levels and needs of our students, we target to build a strong team of Chinese teachers which should constitute at least one-third of the total number of teachers at our school. Our aim is to enable our students to master a high degree of fluency in Chinese-language so that they can pursue education in Chinese speaking countries in Asia / Our aim is to set a solid foundation for the Chinese proficiency of our students so that they can pursue education in Chinese speaking countries in Asia.

We believe the tuition fees of the international programs to be offered in our foreign language school will be substantially higher than the tuition fees charged by our other middle and high schools considering the market conditions in Australia. In addition, by providing educational services through our foreign national school, we can broaden our customer base and increase our revenue sources by recruiting students of different nationalities.

We will also acquire 50% of interest in another school in Australia. It is a well-established boarding school with a large campus of about 500,000 sq. m. For the last two years, tuition fees from the school accounted for 80% and 75% of its total revenue, respectively, while the boarding fees accounted for the remainder. We believe that our investment in the school help strengthen our cooperation relationship with the school which will bring mutual benefits to both of our schools.
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In order to reinforce our leading market position, we will set up a school in Australia next year. The school is expected to be a foreign language school which comprises a high school, a middle school and a primary school. As a foreign language school, we will offer a bilingual learning environment for our students with an emphasis on academic Chinese development. In order to tailor our Chinese-language curriculum according to the specific linguistic levels and needs of our students, we target to build a strong team of Chinese teachers which should constitute at least one-third of the total number of teachers at our school. Our aim is to enable our students to[STRIKE] master[/STRIKE] achieve a high degree of fluency in Chinese-language so that they can pursue education in Chinese-speaking countries in Asia. Our aim is to[STRIKE] set[/STRIKE] lay a solid foundation[STRIKE] for the[/STRIKE] in Chinese proficiency of our students so that they can pursue education in Chinese-speaking countries in Asia.

We believe the tuition fees of the international programs to be offered in our foreign language school will be substantially higher than the tuition fees charged by our [STRIKE]other[/STRIKE] middle and high schools,[STRIKE] considering the [/STRIKE] in line with the current market conditions in Australia. In addition, by providing educational services through our foreign national school, we can broaden our customer base and increase our revenue sources by recruiting students of different nationalities.

We will also acquire 50% of interest (equity?) in another school in Australia. It is a well-established boarding school with a large campus of about 500,000 sq. m. For the last two years, tuition fees from the school accounted for 80% and 75% of its total revenue, respectively, while the boarding fees accounted for the remainder. We believe that our investment in the school helps strengthen our [STRIKE]cooperation [/STRIKE] cooperative relationship with the school which will bring mutual benefits to both of our schools.
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