Please send me...

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Sep 26, 2021
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Interested in Language
Native Language
Home Country
Hong Kong
Current Location
Hong Kong
Is the following sentence correct and natural?

Please send me your proposal to the following e-mail address.
Are you asking about 'send me' or 'send me back'?
Make sure that your thread titles reflect the content of your post.
It is ok now, please check.
It is ok OK/okay now. Please check.
Your post is understandable but it would have been better to write "I have fixed the thread title. Can someone now please check the sentence in post #1?"

Remember that we write either "OK" or "okay" but not "ok". We use "Okay" if it's the first/only word of a sentence.
Is the following sentence correct and natural?

Please send me your proposal to the following e-mail address.

It is not correct as written. Here are couple of ways of fixing it.

1. If you want to keep "me", say "Please send me your proposal. My email address is: ..." or "Please send your proposal to me at the following email address".
2. You can omit "me" and say "Please send your proposal to the following email address: ..."

Note that there is no need to use a hyphen in "email".
How about:

Please send your proposal to ____ (email address)
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