Please rate my accent and pronunciation

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Jun 2, 2023
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can you please hear the file i will attach here and rate my accent and pronunciation and if you can give me feedback i would really appreciate it

This was the script used:

"As the pen fell far to the floor, Amy watched it hit the linoleum. She knew she couldn't have caught that pen if Brian threw it to her from his greasy old hands. But she picked it up and wrote the directions to her house. She cleared her throat, but her words still sounded hoarse. "This is the best route. Keep your horse to this path, and you'll be fine. After you cross the creek, be careful of the large roots that come up out of the ground. We'll have a cot set up in the guest house for you."
Can you please hear listen to the file I will attach here have attached below and rate my accent and pronunciation? and If you can give me feedback, I would really appreciate it.
I can't listen to the recording at the moment. In the meantime, please note my corrections above. Remember to follow these rules of written English at all times:
- Start every sentence with a capital letter.
- Always capitalise the word "I" (first person singular pronoun).
- End every sentence with one appropriate punctuation mark.

Study the difference between "hear" and "listen to".
Couldn't. The silent letter should be L, not D.
Wrote. I hear you say groat. (Maybe just the quality of the recording).
Words. I hear worse.
No is before still.
This. You pronounce it like these.
The first part was mostly unintelligible to me, but the second half was much better, with what I would call only a slight trace of the foreign accent typical of those whose mother tongue is Spanish. You'll probably do even better @Jocelin improvising your own words rather than reading a script.
Also, try to speak slowly, especially that this is just practice.
@Jocelin You also need to provide the source and author of the text you used. It's a requirement here due to the strict copyright laws.
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