please keep in mind that I have included two alternative solutions

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Jan 10, 2022
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Hello, would it be okay if I tried to publish some of the emails I want to send to my clients so you could correct them?

Dear Mrs. X,
Please find attached the quotation that you requested; please keep in mind that I have included two alternative solutions, one with a "10 amp" inverter and one with a "30 amp" inverter; you cannot operate a three small AC and one big Ac unit split with a "10 amp" inverter; only a "30 amp" inverter can be used.

A 10 amp inverter can power one of your small AC unit as well as lights and refrigerators.

I can offer you a Chinese inverter which is widely available in the market, but we do not recommend it because the difference between the two options is that our inverter is a low-frequency, more robust.
Hello. Would it be okay if I tried to publish some of the emails I want to send to my clients so you could correct them?

Dear Mrs. X,
Please find attached the quotation that you requested. Please keep in mind that I have included quoted for two alternative solutions, one with a 10-amp inverter and one with a 30-amp inverter. You cannot operate a three small AC and one big AC unit split with a 10-amp inverter. only A 30-amp inverter can be used is required.

A 10-amp inverter can power one of your small AC unit as well as lights and refrigerators.

I can offer you a Chinese inverter which is widely available, in the market, but we do not recommend it because the difference between the two options is that our inverter is a low-frequency no comma here and more robust.

See above. There was no need to use quotation marks around the names of the inverters.
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