[General] please help with my celta!

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Aug 23, 2014
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Hi, I just need to make sure when they say . Write about 150 words, Whether I am not able to increase more than 150 words or what,

Thank you in advance
If an instruction says "about 150 words", I would take it to mean something like 130-170 words. It's a fairly uncommon instruction. Normally, it's "no more than XXX words". You should check with your CELTA teacher, though.
Welcome to the forum, safimoussa/

Hi. I just need to make sure. When they say, 'Write about 150 words, can I write more than 150 words or what​?

[STRIKE]Thank you in advance.[/STRIKE] Unnecessary. Just click Thank when you get a useful answer.

You can be sure that nobody who reads your text is going to count your words, but experienced tutors and examiners will know whether your essay is too long or too short. If your word count shows around 20 words more or less than 150 it will be acceptable.
Thank you guys , I am just vry anxious about this pre task interview. I want to pass.
Also I don't have a teacher , that's why I Came here.

I'll be happy if you tell me what do you think of my writing .. this is about 200 words.

"From the time I was at school, I had a bad experience during my learning journey. In fact, teachers were not using effective methods and techniques that attract learner's attention.

English teachers for example were not well qualified and not teaching with passion. So, they forced learners to study only for passing the exam. Moreover, non of them helped us to practice English in class. As a result, we graduated without knowing how to express ourselves in English.

In addition, there were no useful facilities that allow students to receive what they learn in an easy, creative and convenient way.

After my graduation, I insisted to have a very good understanding of English language.
My family helped me alot, as they believe in me. Also, I worked on myself, I spent alot of time reading novels, listening to news and even talk to myself in English. Furthermore, I attended English classes at reputable learning centers.

Finally, I am so glad that I have met respectful teachers who showed me that teaching is not only giving information and rules, but it is also a real message that will affect other's future, so you need to be faithful and careful while sending this message."
The people on the CELTA course need to know about your level of English, not ours. We can't help with this sort of assignment etc but I will tell you that there are multiple errors in your piece. Many of them are tense issues.
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