[Grammar] Please help me with my research.

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Dec 11, 2009
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I would like to ask native speakers of English to judge whether the following expressions (especially the underlined ones) are acceptable or not. Even if you find them a little circumferential or periphrastic, it's OK. I'd like to know whether they are understandable or not.

a) Is there any reason that she was calling him? If so, it is because he set it up that way.

b) Is there anyone who can help us? If so, it is perhaps Jerry.

I would appreciate it if many people cooperate with this reserach. Thank you.
Yes understandable, but seems awkward. My assumption will be that it is not from a native speaker.
I agree with mxreader, they are understandable but they are obviously not from a native speaker.
Thank you for your answers, maxreader and bhaisahab. Then I would like to ask you (and other viewers) another question similar to the previous one: Are the following expressions a) and b) acceptable? Or are they better than the expressions in my previous question?

a) Is there any reason that she was calling him? If so, why? (I think) It is because he set it up that way.

b) Is there anyone who can help us? If so, who is it? (I think) It is perhaps Jerry.
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