Please help me to correct this request letter:

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Jan 18, 2017
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Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to request an extension in the deadline for submitting my official transcript,

I am looking forward to apply to the Master of Business Administration program, the application deadline for international students is February 1, for the 2017 fall admission.

However, I have expected to get my diplomat by the end of these month, but when I call the university administration, they said that the diplomats steal in the process of signature from the academic administration whom are on holidays now, but they promise that I’ll be get my diplomat by the end of February.
[h=2] Therefore, I formally request an extension to the submission deadline and undertake to submit my official transcript by the end of February,[/h]Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request an extension [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] to the deadline for submitting my official transcript in relation to applying for [STRIKE]I am looking forward to apply to[/STRIKE] the Master of Business Administration program. The application deadline for international students is February 1, for the 2017 fall admission.

[STRIKE]However,[/STRIKE] I [STRIKE]have[/STRIKE] had expected to get my diploma by the end of [STRIKE]these[/STRIKE] this month (January), but when I called [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] my university, [STRIKE]administration,[/STRIKE] they said that the diplomas are still [STRIKE]steal in the process of[/STRIKE] waiting to be signed by [STRIKE]signature from[/STRIKE] the academic administrative staff [STRIKE]administration[/STRIKE] who are on holidays now, but they [STRIKE]promise[/STRIKE] assured me that I'll be getting my diploma by the end of February.

Therefore, I formally request an extension to the submission deadline and undertake to submit my official transcript by the end of February 2017.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.
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