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Sep 12, 2015
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Hi there, this is my study plan for Korean and English language. Please leave some comment and correction! Thanks in advanced!

I have always been interested in Korean languages. Before this, I had taught myself some basic Korean, mostly from internet. My most visited Korean learning website is as it provide a step by step learning system with some small tests after the lesson. Youtube is also a best learning tool for me where I learned the pronunciation of Korean alphabets from the videos there. Besides, I had picked up a lot of Korean from some self-taught books so that I could learn Korean by myself without attending the costly language course. However, there is never enough for academic purposes. Before arriving in Korea, I will continue to learn Korean through internet and books. I will also try to connect with native speaker and speak to them in Korean through communication apps such as Kakaotalk.

After arriving in Korea, I will cherish the one-year language course and study hard. I will set up a series of study strategies such arrange a study schedule and strictly follow it. Learning a new languages is fun and enjoyable. As soon as I understand the basics, I will start to learn Korean in some fun way. To improve my spoken language and listening skills, I would like to watch television shows and movies which plays with subtitles. Meanwhile, I will also read novels to learn new words and the grammar of the languages. In fact, the best way to expert in a new language is to speak it frequently. Speaking with a real, live person will helps to feel much more motivated about learning the language than staring at a book or computer screen. Hence, I will try to speak Korean with others in my daily life and makes friends with Koreans.

English as a global lingua franca should not be neglected while learning Korean. As for English, I have been developing it since I was young as English is one of the main instructions in Malaysia school. Most of the subject is conducted in English in Malaysia. Moreover, I had always communicate with my Malay and Indian friends in English. I believe that I have a strong foundation in English and all I need to do is keep it up after arrive to Korea. After coming to Korea, I will maintain my English level by reading English novels. Furthermore, I will always get in touch with my friends in Malaysia. This will enable me to maintain my English speaking skills so that I would not forget English gradually.
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Study plan 1 (language)

I have always been interested in the Korean language. [STRIKE]Before this, I had[/STRIKE] I taught myself some basic Korean, mostly from the Internet. My most-visited Korean learning website is as it provides a step-by-step learning system with some small tests after the lesson. YouTube is also a [STRIKE]best[/STRIKE] good learning tool for me where I learned the pronunciation of the Korean alphabet from the videos there. Besides, I picked up a lot of Korean from some [STRIKE]self-taught[/STRIKE] teach-yourself books so that I could learn Korean by myself without attending [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] costly language courses. However, [STRIKE]there[/STRIKE] that is never enough for academic purposes. Before arriving in Korea, I will continue to learn Korean through the Internet and from reading books. I will also try to connect with native speakers and speak to them in Korean though communication apps such as Kakaotalk.

After arriving in Korea, I will [STRIKE]cherish the[/STRIKE] enroll in a one-year language course and study hard. I will set up a series of study strategies [STRIKE]such[/STRIKE] and arrange a study schedule and strictly follow it. Learning a new language is fun and enjoyable. [STRIKE]As soon as I understand the basics, I will start to learn Korean in some fun way.[/STRIKE] To improve my spoken language and listening skills, I [STRIKE]would like[/STRIKE] plan to watch Korean television shows and movies [STRIKE]which plays[/STRIKE] with Korean subtitles. Meanwhile, I will also read novels to learn new words and the grammar of the language. In fact, the best way to [STRIKE]expert in[/STRIKE] master a new language is to speak it frequently. Speaking with a real, live person will help one to feel much more motivated about learning the language than staring at a book or computer screen. Hence, I will try to speak Korean with others in my daily life and make friends with Korean people.

English as a global lingua franca should not be neglected while learning Korean. [STRIKE]As for English,[/STRIKE] I have been [STRIKE]developing it[/STRIKE] learning English since I was a child, [STRIKE]young[/STRIKE] as English is one of the main instruction languages in Malaysian schools, where most [STRIKE]of the[/STRIKE] subjects [STRIKE]is conducted[/STRIKE] are taught in English except Malay and Mandarin. Moreover, I [STRIKE]had[/STRIKE] have always communicated with my Malay and Indian friends in English. I believe that I have a strong foundation in English, and all I need to do is keep it up after arriving in [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] Korea [STRIKE]After coming to Korea, I will maintain my English level[/STRIKE] by reading English novels. [STRIKE]I had develop a good reading habit since young. I found that reading novels are interesting and[/STRIKE] which I really enjoy. [STRIKE]ed it.[/STRIKE] Furthermore, I will [STRIKE]always get[/STRIKE] keep in touch with my friends in Malaysia [STRIKE]. This[/STRIKE] which will enable me to maintain my English speaking skills. [STRIKE]so that I would not forget English gradually.[/STRIKE]

Study Plan 2

There [STRIKE]is thousands of[/STRIKE] are many high-quality universities in Korea. Deciding where to study is a huge task as the choice of university may play a big role in my future success. [STRIKE]A large amount of research is done before choosing an university. Location of the university is my biggest consideration. According to my research, although there is a financial support if I manage to get scholarship, but the scholarship could hardly support the high level of consumption in capital city. Therefore, university in Seoul and Busan is not in my consideration.[/STRIKE] Once I found Chungnam National University, I knew it [STRIKE]will be a[/STRIKE] is the right choice for me. CNU is located in Daejon city [STRIKE]with low[/STRIKE] where the cost of living is reasonable. [STRIKE]For my knowledge,[/STRIKE] I understand that Daejeon has deservedly earned its name as "Asia's Silicon Valley" and "High technology city" surrounded by government research institutes. The [STRIKE]accumulation[/STRIKE] concentration of high-tech enterprises in Daejeon [STRIKE]are[/STRIKE] is also [STRIKE]convenience[/STRIKE] great for students to have their internship and to gain work experience. That is the reason I chose to study in CNU. [STRIKE]The high reputation of CNU also attracts me.[/STRIKE] Moreover, CNU is recognized as one of the five most prestigious [STRIKE]five[/STRIKE] national universities in Korea and [STRIKE]even[/STRIKE] one of the top 100 universities in the world with over 60 years of history. Apart from that, the [STRIKE]complete[/STRIKE] curriculum structure of the chemical engineering course will also ideally prepare me for [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] a successful career in industry.

[STRIKE]After graduating from high school, I still haven’t decide what course should I take after this, and I finally found my pathway in the rest of my life after I took STPM.[/STRIKE] I chose to study chemistry, pure mathematics, biology and general studies for STPM. The one and a half years [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] STPM course has [STRIKE]makes[/STRIKE] me realize [STRIKE]what[/STRIKE] that I am really interested in physics but not biology [STRIKE]At first, I still haven’t found my interest. The decision of taking Biology is because it has a wider option for me after graduate. In Malaysia public universities, Biology students can get into physic-related course such as engineering course as long as he has a strong physic foundation in SPM (got a B+ or above in physic), however physic students could not take bio-related course. Since I haven’t decide what to study yet at that time, I choose a more secure way by taking Biology instead of Physic. But once I study Biology in depth, I found that Biology[/STRIKE] as it was just not for me. I am the type of person who learns better through critical thinking. Studying physics requires much more conceptual understanding rather than (just) memorizing. For me, physic is such an amazing and interesting subject. Everything, when you look closely enough, relies on physics! I started to learn physics by myself, and [STRIKE]I found back[/STRIKE] that rekindled my passion for [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] science. In order to catch up with the physic syllabus, I [STRIKE]had self-taught[/STRIKE] taught myself some A-level physics [STRIKE]through[/STRIKE] using reference book. [STRIKE]It is hard to[/STRIKE] Self-study is hard without any guidance. When I met problems, I [STRIKE]had referred to[/STRIKE] asked my teachers and friends in school and also [STRIKE]the source from[/STRIKE] used internet resources like Wikipedia.

Once I found my area of interest, [STRIKE]interested subject,[/STRIKE] I started to think of what I [STRIKE]am[/STRIKE] was going to do [STRIKE]with[/STRIKE] for the rest of my life. The chemical engineering course [STRIKE]has[/STRIKE] aroused my interest. Compared to the other pure science subjects, the study of chemical engineering puts more emphasis on concrete practice. [STRIKE]Chemical engineering is not merely stress on the theory, but is about how to apply what we learn into the production process.[/STRIKE] Thousands of ways can be invented to synthesize a chemical product; I always wondered [STRIKE]ing[/STRIKE] about which is the best way while studying chemistry. In fact, many factors should be taken into the consideration. A chemical engineer has to think comprehensively and find the most appropriate, clean, cost-effective and practical way for production. [STRIKE]Let’s say chemical process X could produce a large amount of useful product, less waste but it will emit an extremely high temperature. This process seems a good way to produce large amount of product but in fact it is impracticable in real condition because of its cost effectiveness. Many aspect should be consider before any decision is made.[/STRIKE] This makes the job challenging, and that is why I'm interested in it.

My main academic goal is to obtain a first-class degree in Chemical Engineering. To secure a high grade, one has to be very [STRIKE]excellent[/STRIKE] strong in chemistry, math and physics. [STRIKE]subject.[/STRIKE] In the past few years, I have achieved good [STRIKE]score[/STRIKE] grades in chemistry and math. [STRIKE]subject.[/STRIKE] Despite the fact that I didn't take physics in STPM, it is never too late to catch up on the physics syllabus if one has a strong passion for [STRIKE]on[/STRIKE] it. [STRIKE]A 5-year education in secondary school had given me a strong basic in physics. Some of the basic theory such as thermodynamics has been taught in my high school. Not taking physic in STPM also makes me enjoy learning physics without stress of exam.[/STRIKE] To achieve my goal, I will [STRIKE]self-study[/STRIKE] teach myself physics through reference books and the Internet before and during the one-year language course. I will set a study timetable and allocate the time for both Korean and physics [STRIKE]subject[/STRIKE] to make sure that [STRIKE]none of them[/STRIKE] neither has been neglected. In the next four years, I will work hard and learn as much as possible from my teachers. [STRIKE]the lecturer. Some people never found their life goal throughout the life, but I am glad I found it.[/STRIKE] I sincerely [STRIKE]hope[/STRIKE] believe that not taking physics would not hinder [STRIKE]be the obstruction for me to get into[/STRIKE] my studies in the chemical engineering course.

After completing my undergraduate study in chemical engineering, [STRIKE]completion of my study,[/STRIKE] I wish to [STRIKE]further my studies to[/STRIKE] do a research-based masters degree in [STRIKE]this[/STRIKE] the same field. However, I would like to work for around one to two years first before my graduate studies. [STRIKE]Real-world situation will never exactly the same as what written on the books.[/STRIKE] Getting a job will enable me to [STRIKE]know the real situation[/STRIKE] gain practical experience in [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] industry and [STRIKE]what is needed to[/STRIKE] further improve my professional skills. [STRIKE]In addition, getting a job will also enable me to gain the practical experience to handle problems may be actual happen and learn the work skill didn’t teach in university which would prepare me for the graduate schools better. [/STRIKE]In my graduated studies, I wish to [STRIKE]do a[/STRIKE] research [STRIKE]which the objective is[/STRIKE] how to (best) minimize the effect of the chemical industry [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] on the environment. Industrial pollution is [STRIKE]always[/STRIKE] a global issue, and Malaysia as a country developing fast in the areas of industrialization is also facing this problem. [STRIKE]as well.[/STRIKE] Although pollution control technology nowadays could reduce the pollution caused by industry, [STRIKE]but[/STRIKE] it is necessary to reduce it even further. [STRIKE]nip the bud.[/STRIKE] All I want to do in my graduate studies is to develop a new technology and find an alternative chemical processes [STRIKE]in chemical industry[/STRIKE] which generate the least waste and [STRIKE]cause less[/STRIKE] pollution. I believe that this [STRIKE]proposed[/STRIKE] field of study has [STRIKE]huge impacts and[/STRIKE] immense potential and prospects [STRIKE]on[/STRIKE] for modern scientific research in Korea, Malaysia as well as other countries all over the world. [STRIKE]I am pretty surethat my research could make a positive contribution in both Malaysia and Korea, as well as other countries in the world.[/STRIKE]

Your text is quite long!
Have you considered the expected word limit?
If this is some kind of motivation letter, I would advise you to consider cutting it down to half this size.;-)
Your text is quite long!
Have you considered the expected word limit?
If this is some kind of motivation letter, I would advise you to consider cutting it down to half this size.;-)

Thank you so much!!!:-D It helped me a lot!!!
Mind to take a look for my another essay?:cool:
Furthermore, I will [STRIKE]always get[/STRIKE] keep in touch with my friends in Malaysia [STRIKE]. This[/STRIKE] which will enable me to maintain my English speaking skills. .
I think a comma is needed before 'which' because it is not a restrictive clause, but I am not a teacher.
Thank you so much! It helped me a lot!
You're welcome Evelynnnnn. You don't actually need to write a separate post to thank someone on the forum. Just click the "Like" and/or "Thank" buttons.

Would you mind [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] taking a look [STRIKE]for[/STRIKE] at my [STRIKE]an[/STRIKE] other essay?:cool:

That's OK, but please post it to the Editing and Writing Topics sub-forum:

In fact, I expect one of our good moderators will move this one there too! ;-)
You're welcome Evelynnnnn. You don't actually need to write a separate post to thank someone on the forum. Just click the "Like" and/or "Thank" buttons.

That's OK, but please post it to the Editing and Writing Topics sub-forum:

In fact, I expect one of our good moderators will move this one there too! ;-)

I had post my essay there. Can you please help me to correct it?
Thanks a million!:-D:-D
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