Please find attached Glenn's request for cash advance

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Junior Member
May 26, 2021
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1. Please find attached Glenn's request for cash advance of $1800 to pay to his previous employer. Please advance him this amount and deduct it from his next month's salary.
2. Please find attached Glenn's cash advance request for $1800 to pay to his previous employer. Please advance him this amount and deduct it from his next month's salary.

Are the both sentences grammatically correct?

Thank you.
1. Please find attached Glenn's request for a cash advance of $1800 to pay to his previous employer. Please advance him this amount and deduct it from his next month's salary.
2. Please find attached Glenn's cash advance request for $1800 to pay to his previous employer. Please advance him this amount and deduct it from his next month's salary.

Are the both sentences grammatically correct?

(Thank me later.)
Why is he paying his former employer?
"Please advance him this amount" sounds redundant to me, after what is said in the first sentence.
I would say "Please made the payment".
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