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New member
Jul 17, 2018
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New Zealand
Good Morning Team,

Please be informed a small USB Stick found in Rangitoto Meeting room and It has “JABRA” written on it.

Attached the image below for your reference.

Could you please check if it is missing from any of your devices, you can collect it from the reception at your earliest convenience.
Good morning, team.

[STRIKE]Please be informed[/STRIKE] A small USB stick has been found in the Rangitoto meeting room. [STRIKE]and[/STRIKE] It has “JABRA” written on it.

[STRIKE]Attached the image[/STRIKE] A picture is attached below for your reference.

[STRIKE]Could you[/STRIKE] Please check if it is missing from any of your devices. If so, you can collect it from [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] reception at your earliest convenience.

See above.
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