please convert this into indirect speech.

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AMK-future writer

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Jan 3, 2012
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please convert this:

[FONT=&quot] “There was a time when the beautiful land of acklamento was in the hands of King Jordan who led the empire with justice, happiness and everything that makes you says that he is a good King. Not long before when my father came in existence, there was a man called Hegamont who was against the empire and the King was his worst enemy because he ruled with justice, happiness, and everyone around him loved the way he ruled. Hegamont mastered the study of magic in the school “resident magic” and he was always trying to be great, the biggest difference between Jordan and Hegamont was in ruling the empire, Jordan ruled with justice and on the other hand, Hegamont wanted to rule as King and others as slave. He wanted everyone to be his slave and lick his boots. The followers of Hegamont are known as “sun eater” and the sun eaters are the one who wants to eat light and bring the devil and death to extinct and in power. It was their rule that in every decade, they fought against each other and every time King Jordan wins but the advantage of the fight was that many people turned their backs, on the true King to bring dark. The years went by and so did the fight when ultimately, Hegamont found the book he was searching from decades and that was the only thing he could have hoped to win through. Each spell gave him ultimate strength and that was the beginning of the dark history of Planet acklamento. He began to destroy each village city he flied through by sitting on his black and gold-ish huge dragon and the cries and blood splashed all over the planet. At that time of period, a river came to an existence named “blood-splashes” and that is still in existence. The human blood filled the river and that was Hegamont and his followers who killed them. King Jordan and his people were forced to retreat and leave the planet for good.” [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The clock struck two and bell rang for a minute but no one cared and listened to story interestingly[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. His father’s cough then begin again “King Jordan sat on his 5 headed dragons with his people and ran away from the city then from country and at last from the planet, they flied and flied towards nowhere, but their hard work of searching some life beyond came in to being. They found another planet rather a small one about the size of one of the smallest continent of acklamento but it was beautiful and pure. Overview of the planet was that the big crystal-transparent mountains surrounded the planet, and in the center of the planet was a huge sea sparkling when reflected by the light of sun and there were caves in which they lived happily but sad. All creatures came to live there vampires, elves, dwarves and so on. The forest type areas were of elves, the cave type areas were for dwarves, and darky areas were for vampires. They lived there, set odds against the King Hegamont, and plan to oppose him and defeat him once and for all. Then they found a prophecy saying that a boy will be born and restore justice to acklamento again and from 10 decades, they are waiting, waiting, and waiting. The prophecy also read uhh... What did it said…hum. Can’t remember, okay now go to sleep real nice cause the room is cozy and rain has also begin after several pauses. ‘Good night’.

hope you will do your best. [/FONT]:cool:[FONT=&quot]
You try it, and we'll comment on your version.
NAH, I didn't knew you cant do it. hahahahahhahaha:lol:

I think you meant "I knew you couldn't do it". I know you were being sarcastic but the fact is that we don't just do your work for you. You try and then we comment and assist.
I think you meant "I knew you couldn't do it". I know you were being sarcastic but the fact is that we don't just do your work for you. You try and then we comment and assist.

okay, i give up but i want it now and want it perfect and i only hope that you will help me converting, and instead doing it you are passing comments, come on you guys, help me finish my novel and who know's what i can be dead famous or an old brat.
You realize that we all do this as volunteers, to help people who want to help themselves, right?

If you want to pay one of us to write for you, I expect rates will start around US $30 an hour and go up from there.

Take a sarcastic and taunting tone is not going to help you very much.

Make your best effort yourself and then as volunteers, we'll take a look.
okay, i give up but i want it now and want it perfect and i only hope that you will help me converting, and instead doing it you are passing comments, come on you guys, help me finish my novel and who know's what i can be dead famous or an old brat.

Now that you've given up even using capital letters and punctuation, we're even less likely to help. I personally don't care if you're a famous author now or if you might be one in the future. Your attitude and tone are very unlikely to make anyone want to help. "Help" is the operative word there. You said "... that you will help me convert ..." and we have explained that we will help once you have tried yourself. You have made absolutely no effort at all. In the time it has taken you to post three times, you could have made a good start on converting it to indirect speech.

As Barb said, we are all volunteers here. I agree entirely that if, as you say, you "want it now and want it perfect", then find a professional proofreader and editor and pay them the asking price.
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