Please, check my TOEFL essay

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Aug 10, 2010
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Student or Learner
Every day we make decisions ranging from ordinary ones like a choice of clothes in the mornings or dishes at noons to important ones like purchase of real estate or president election. The question is whether we should make them alone or consult with other people. In my opinion it depends on a situation. If it comes to personal issues, we can cope without any advice, but if we consider issues of great importance that will influence others’ lives, we should make them in the company of the people who will be exposed to their consequences, as well as experts of these fields.
First, the issues related to an individual may be solved alone. Of course, it would be better if a person ask advice of his close relatives, friends and teachers. He can listen to others’ opinions to make the right decision by considering different options, because the idea come to one’s mind may not come to another’s. However, in any case a final decision must be made by the person himself, since it is his life, and a decision related to him must conform to his interests, preferences and wishes. But unlike personal issues, sometimes we have to consider problems relating to others’ fates, where we should take into consideration that our decisions may have negative implications for others.
In such cases we must be very considerate and sensible. We should speak to the people being involved in the problem, ask their opinions and consider their suggestions. Certainly, it is not easy to make a decision choosing from a variety of solution options, but it may increase efficiency of the decision. In addition, the people involved in the decision making process will be satisfied with the decision, since they also participate in the process. It will also have effect on the execution of the decision, as they will be more adhered to its accomplishment.
Furthermore, nowadays you can encounter various experts, specialists and consultants almost in all fields, who have richer experience and deeper knowledge than you. You can resort to their aid in financial, juridical and other fields. It will allow you to raise effectiveness of your decision.
All in all, in making decisions relating only to your life, you can ignore others’ opinions, but as to the decisions with the potential impact on others you should consult with them, and involve experts into the decision making process. As it is said in my country “one head is good, but two heads are better”.
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Ok, thanks for such a kind and comprehensive answer :)
I have got the correction of my essay quite quickly from another website. So, if somebody wants to get operative answers to all his questions and essays, I would recommend him don't waste his time and visit: ESL/EFL Forums - English as a Second Language Good luck!

Every day we make decisions ranging from /ordinary/MUNDANE/ ones, like a choice of clothes in the mornings, or dishes at noons what to eat at noon, to important ones like THE purchasING of real estate or VOTING IN A presidentIAL election. The question is; whether we should make them alone or consult with other people. In my opinion it depends on THE situation. If it /comes to/ CONCERNS ONLY/ personal issues, we can cope without any advice, but if we consider issues of greatER importance that will influence THE lives OF OTHERS, we should make them in the company of the people who will be exposed to THESE consequences, as well as experts IN these fields.

First, the issues related to an individual may be solved alone. Of course, it would be better if a person asks advice of his close relatives, friends and teachers. He can listen to others’ opinions to make the right decision by considering different options, because the ideaS THAT come to one’s mind may not come to another’s. However, in any case, a final decision must be made by the person himself, since it is his life, and the decision related to him must conform to his interests, preferences and wishes. But unlike personal issues, sometimes we have to consider problems relating to others’ fates, where we should take into consideration that our decisions may have negative implications for others.

In such cases we must be very considerate and sensible. We should speak to the people WHO ARE involved in the problem, ask their opinions and consider their suggestions. Certainly, it is not easy to make a decision choosing from a variety of solution options, but it may increase THE efficiency OF THE decision. In addition, the people involved in the decision making process will be satisfied with this decision, since they also participateD in the process. It will also have AN effect on the execution of the decision, as they will be more adhered to its accomplishment.

Furthermore, nowadays you can encounter various experts, specialists and consultants IN almost all fields, who have richer experience and deeper knowledge than you. You can resort to their aid in financial, juridical and other fields. It will allow you to raise THE effectiveness of your decision.

All in all, when you make decisions relating only to your life, you can ignore THE OPINIONS OF others’, but as to the decisions with potential impact on others, you should consult with them, and involve experts into the decision making process. As it is said in my country “one head is good, but two heads are better”.

Hello. Please check my essay. I will be really appreciate.

Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I am sure that ability to read and write more important today than in the past. I can find a lot of usefull and useless information in books, in internet. I can buy newspaper and I read about news. And of course I can express my thought by writing them and other people can read about them.
At the first I would like talk about Internet. Nowdays Internet become very important in our lifes. Everyday we use internet to express thier filling, thoughts and communicate with friends through social networks. Without ability to read and write person won't be able to use internet. People may write any time. This is very important if people live in different countries like Japan and USA. Difference in time make difficult to communicate in realtime regime.
Second, We use books as a source of information. In books we can find almost everything. We use books in schools, in universities. During studying we have to express our knowledge to teachers. They give us a lot of tests. And, of course, If I could read or write I would be able to take TOEFL test.
As a final point, There are a lot of nameplate, trafic sign and other information on the streets and goods. Person could not freely travel or buy some food or goods without ability to read.
In conclusion, Ability to read and write is really very important nowdays. Person will not be able to study, freely communicate through internet, read books and express thoughtson paper.
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