[General] Please check my announcement and help polish it. Many thanks in advance.

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rodgers white

Senior Member
Jan 17, 2016
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Hello there. The following is my attempt at writing an announcement, which is used as a possible version for my students. Can you please check it and help me polish it? Many thanks in advance.


Good morning, everyone. May I have your attention, please? Here is an announcement from our school English Club. We need some actors and actresses for the English play “ The Sound of Music”. If you love acting and are willing to work with others, you are the right person we are looking for. Of course, fluency in English speaking is required.

Can’t wait to join in it? Just come to Room 221 of the teaching building by this Friday and sign up!

Thanks for your attention.
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Good morning, everyone. May I have your attention, please? [STRIKE]Here[/STRIKE] This is an announcement [STRIKE]from[/STRIKE] about our school English Club. We need some actors and actresses for the English language play “The Sound of Music”. If you love acting and are willing to work with others, then this is for you. [STRIKE]you are the right person we are looking for.[/STRIKE] Of course, fluency in English [STRIKE]speaking[/STRIKE] is a plus. [STRIKE]required.[/STRIKE]

[STRIKE]Can’t wait to join in it?[/STRIKE] Sounds interesting? Just come to Room 221 [STRIKE]of the teaching building by[/STRIKE] this Friday between 12:00 and 2:00 for an audition. [STRIKE]and sign up!

[/STRIKE] Thanks for your attention.
Thank you for your time, teechar. Oh, by the way, in terms of the time of audition, I want to say: Just come to Room 221 any time during the day at school before this Friday for an audition. Is it OK?
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