Please, can somebody help me with my Curriculum Vitae?

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May 25, 2013
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Russian Federation
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I am a graduate from Germany and I am looking for job now.
Can somebody help me with my Curriculum Vitae?
This is an appendix and I need some suggestions and if possible correction.

What else should you know about me​
I started studying Management in Russia in order to learn entrepreneurial way of thinking and to gain expert knowledge in economics. Unfortunately this studying in my home country was not challenging enough for me. I was one of the best students in my age group and had excellent marks, but I decided to find more challenging place for me and not wait too long.
These two and a half years at Russian university had their purpose. I met many interesting people, with whom I still keep in touch. I visited currency trading courses and deepened this subject by myself. In Russia I began to read daily different newspapers and journals in economics (Handelsblatt, The Economist, Bloomberg). Parallel to studying I improved determined my German in order to study in Germany.
In Freiburg I was much more challenged and had more fun while studying. During my time at university in Germany I have started to learn English. After three and a half year of intensive learning a passed my first academic IEALTS test with overall score of 7.5 and now can fluent speak and write in English. Because I am interested in politics, I also had visited for a time young liberals gathering in Freiburg. Because of that I can better understand German people and Germany now.
What else you should know about me

I started studying Management in Russia in order to learn the entrepreneurial way of thinking and to gain expert knowledge in economics. Unfortunately, studying in my home country was not challenging enough for me. I was one of the best students in my age group and had excellent marks, but I decided to find a more challenging place for me and to not wait too long.

These two and a half years at a Russian university had their purpose. I met many interesting people with whom I still keep in touch. I took currency trading courses and deepened my knowledge of this subject by myself. In Russia, I began to read different daily newspapers and journals of economics (Handelsblatt, The Economist, Bloomberg). Parallel to my studying, I was determined to improve my German in order to study in Germany.

In Freiburg I was much more challenged and had more fun while studying. During my time at the university in Germany I have started to learn English. After three and a half years of intensive learning, I passed my first academic IEALTS test with overall score of 7.5 and can now speak and write fluent in English. Because I am interested in politics, I also visited for a time the young liberals gathering in Freiburg. Because of that, I can better understand the German people and Germany now.
Thank you!
In second passage, 4th phrase I want to say with "to read daily" that I am reading every day.
Should I write then: I began to read different newspapers and journals
of economics (Handelsblatt, The Economist, Bloomberg) every day.?
Thank you so much again.

Best Regards
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