[Vocabulary] play piano at the movie house

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Dec 17, 2009
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They say that "She played the piano at the movie house"

If "movie house" is the "movie theater", then I can't get at all how can one plays piano at the movie theater.

They were talking about the mother of "Gudy Garland", in case it has sth to do with old movie theater.

Waiting for explanation.
Thanks a lot
They say that "She played the piano at the movie house"

If "movie house" is the "movie theater", then I can't get at all how can one plays piano at the movie theater.

They were talking about the mother of "Gudy Garland", in case it has sth to do with old movie theater.

Waiting for explanation.
Thanks a lot
In the days of silent movies, there was a piano or organ player who used to play music to fit the action of the movie like the background music in sound films.

By the way, it's Judy Garland.
Can't thank you enough :up::up:
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