Peter and I did/have done some research

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May 13, 2023
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John wants to buy a car for less than $3,000. He wants that car to meet certain criteria, but he can't find one that does. He complains about it to Peter and Bob. They want to help their friend, so they do some research online and discover that there are several models John might be interested in. The next day, John, Peter and Bob meet up again. John starts complaining again, and Bob replies to him with one of the following sentences.

1. Listen, John. Peter and I did some research, and we discovered that there are several models you might like. I'll show you the listings we found.

2. Listen, John. Peter and I have done some research, and we've discovered that there are several models you might like. I'll show you the listings we found.

Do the bolded tenses work in the above sentences in the context given?
You have recently started several threads with similar questions about the present perfect and past simple, EngLearner. It should be becoming clear by now that when we are talking about situations in the recent past, we can view them in slightly different ways, in BrE at least. We can see them simply as events that occurred in the past (however recent) and use a past tense, or see them as past-time events with real relevance to the present time and use the present perfect.
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Tit should be becoming clear by now that when we are talking about situations in the recent past, we can view them in slightly different ways, in BrE at least.
Unfortunately, it's only partially becoming clear. I wouldn't have asked all those questions if I'd known which tense to use in the sentences I came up with.
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