payment request letter

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Oct 27, 2020
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Russian Federation
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Russian Federation
"We’ve provided your employee,...., with translation services almost a year ago. However, we didn’t receive payment for the job done by now.

The last time ... promised to pay the debt was a month ago, but he didn’t keep his promise . Our queries and efforts to contact him again have all been ignored .

Since it was a business project and request was made from ...’s business email, we address this issue to you directly. We hope to resolve this as soon as possible , if not, we may be considering getting legal action done.

Below is the correspondence regarding this project. I have also attached the translation files and the email threads with ... regarding payment as well as the invoice issued.

Please, contact us, to discuss the matter at the earliest."
"[STRIKE]We’ve[/STRIKE] We provided your employee, XXXX, with translation services almost a year ago. However, we [STRIKE]didn’t receive[/STRIKE] haven't received payment for the job [STRIKE]done by now[/STRIKE] yet.

The last time XXXX promised to pay the debt was a month ago, but he didn’t keep his promise. Our [STRIKE]queries and[/STRIKE] efforts to contact him again have all been ignored.

Since it was a business project and the request was made from XXXX’s business email address, we [STRIKE]address this issue to[/STRIKE] are contacting you [strike]directly[/strike] direct about this matter. We hope to resolve this as soon as possible. If not, we [STRIKE]may[/STRIKE] might/will [STRIKE]be considering getting[/STRIKE] consider legal action. [STRIKE]done.[/STRIKE]

Below is the correspondence regarding this project. I have also attached the translation files and the email threads with XXXX regarding payment, as well as the invoice we issued.

Please no comma here contact us no comma here to discuss the matter at [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] your earliest convenience."

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Do you have a question for us?
not at teh moment. thank you very much!
Personally I wouldn't use the word "convenience" when contacting a client in this manner. As it is also a well known euphamism for a public toilet in BrE it gives rather too much scope for sarcastic replies. The bank that I worked for when I left school went as far as to prohibit the expression in correspondence. I would stick with a phrase like "as soon as possible".
Not at [STRIKE]teh[/STRIKE] the moment. Thank you very much!

Remember to start every sentence with a capital letter. You might want to set the spellchecker on your browser to English. It would have picked up the misspelling of "the" above.

When you post in future, please make sure you make it clear in post #1 what you are asking us to do. It looks like I guessed right and you wanted us to proofread and correct your letter. However, you should have started your post with something like "Hello. I would be grateful if someone could look at the letter below and correct any errors I might have made".
Personally, I wouldn't use the word "convenience" when contacting a client in this manner. As it is also a well-known euphemism for a public toilet in BrE, it gives rather too much scope for sarcastic replies. The bank that I worked for when I left school went as far as to prohibit the expression in correspondence. I would stick with a phrase like "as soon as possible".

A teenager might snigger at the phrase but I don't think anyone in a business setting would have any issue with "at your earliest convenience". I think your bank was being a bit anal, to be honest!
Having said that, I would write "as soon as possible" but I tried to keep the OP's letter as close to the original as possible. I wanted to make it clear that simply saying "at your earliest" is not acceptable.

I think I've corrected the spelling of "euphemism" in several of your posts! I know everyone has words that they've misspelled for years (decades, sometimes) so I'm guessing that's one of yours but please try to avoid making the same error again.

For the benefit of learners, note the hyphen in "well-known". When the compound adjective comes before the noun it refers to (as it does here), it's hyphenated. When it comes after the noun, it's not hyphenated.

It is a well-known euphemism.
The euphemism is well known.
Remember to start every sentence with a capital letter. You might want to set the spellchecker on your browser to English. It would have picked up the misspelling of "the" above.

When you post in future, please make sure you make it clear in post #1 what you are asking us to do. It looks like I guessed right and you wanted us to proofread and correct your letter. However, you should have started your post with something like "Hello. I would be grateful if someone could look at the letter below and correct any errors I might have made".
I have checked a few threads and no one wrote an introduction. I thought it's pretty clear from the name of this section and the description what are threads about.
I'm sorry if you found that offensive.
As for small misspeling, I think you are a bit uptight about it, especially in the regard of punctuation placement.
When I was preparing for IELTS exam, it seems they made a big deal of it, but in real life.. I honestly don't think it's that important.
Personally I wouldn't use the word "convenience" when contacting a client in this manner. As it is also a well known euphamism for a public toilet in BrE it gives rather too much scope for sarcastic replies. The bank that I worked for when I left school went as far as to prohibit the expression in correspondence. I would stick with a phrase like "as soon as possible".
I didn't want to repeat the same phrase that I already used in this short email.

Personally I wouldn't use the word "convenience" when contacting a client in this manner. As it is also a well known euphamism for a public toilet in BrE it gives rather too much scope for sarcastic replies. The bank that I worked for when I left school went as far as to prohibit the expression in correspondence. I would stick with a phrase like "as soon as possible".
It's good the client is from the US then.:lol: I have never heard about such euphemism before though. Thanks for mentioning.
As for small misspeling, I think you are a bit uptight about it, especially in the regard of punctuation placement.
When I was preparing for IELTS exam, it seems they made a big deal of it, but in real life.. I honestly don't think it's that important.
Incorrect punctuation placement looks terrible. It's so simple to get right that it suggests the writer is careless about other simple things as well.
Nobody said it was offensive, but it shows a lack of courtesy. We are human beings, giving up our free time to help; we are not slaves or machines.
As for small misspeling, I think you are a bit uptight about it, especially in the regard of punctuation placement.
When I was preparing for IELTS exam, it seems they made a big deal of it, but in real life.. I honestly don't think it's that important.
In business correspondence, sloppy punctuation and spelling suggest sloppy thinking. If someone can't be bothered to make sure their correspondence presents s good image, how much faith should I have in their other business practices?
Honestly, I didn't have any problems with that. Our clients do make mistakes as well. You shouldn't apply YOUR thinking to everyone.
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Nobody said it was offensive, but it shows a lack of courtesy. We are human beings, giving up our free time to help; we are not slaves or machines.
As for small misspeling, I think you are a bit uptight about it, especially in the regard of punctuation placement.
When I was preparing for IELTS exam, it seems they made a big deal of it, but in real life.. I honestly don't think it's that important.[/QUOTE]#
In business correspondence, sloppy punctuation and spelling suggest sloppy thinking. If someone can't be bothered to make sure their correspondence presents s good image, how much faith should I have in their other business practices?[/QUOTE]

I didn't assume you were slaves or machines, that's what you thought and got offended, even though you don't admit it here. In fact, I just thought introduction is unnecessary , when I checked a few threads below mine.
OP banned.

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