[Grammar] Past Continuous VS Past Perfect Continuous: was running VS had been running

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May 19, 2011
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I have read previous posts about the difference between these two tenses and just want to make sure I have understood correctly.

1. A situation/activity in the past perfect continuous may or may not end at a particular part time in the past. Is this a fair statement?

2. Whether or not the activity ended depends on the aspect of the verb and the context. Is this statement also correct?

a) I had been crying all morning so my eyes were swollen and he noticed it. (I wasn't crying when he noticed that my eyes were swollen.)

b) I had been crying quietly in my room (for just over an hour) when I heard the front door open. (The crying may or may not have stopped)

3. To me, the past continuous is also possible for b). With the past continuous, does it imply that the crying stopped or not?

c) I was crying in my room when I heard the front door open.

Thank you.

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