pardon the noise while

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navi tasan

Key Member
Nov 19, 2002
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1) Pardon the noise while we are renovating the store.

Does 'while we are renovating the store' postmodify 'noise'?

Does '1 correspond to:
1a) While we are renovating the store, pardon the noise.
or to:
1b) Pardon the noise that exists while we are renovating the store.

I don't find much difference between 1a and 1b.
I would use 1b, though, because it gets the apology in first.
Do they really sound natural? I don't frequently come across the word "pardon" except for the phrase "beg you pardon".
I would naturally use:

"Would you please pardon the noise while we are renovating the store."

Or end with "renovate the store." but without the "are".
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Do they really sound natural? I don't frequently come across the word "pardon" except for the phrase "I beg your pardon".
Yes, Boris—they're natural enough.
There is nothing wrong with "pardon" in this context although, in BrE, "Please excuse the noise ..." would be more common.
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